Policy Edit

Policy Id:



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Threat Type



Policy Text:

Approvals under the Ontario Water Resources Act, 1990, for the existing operation and maintenance of stormwater management facilities and the future establishment, operation and maintenance of stormwater management facilities outside of a Wellhead Protection Area A or Intake Protection Zone 1 where stormwater discharge would be a significant drinking water threat, shall be reviewed to ensure they contain conditions to protect sources of drinking water.

If the instrument does not meet these requirements, the MOECC shall amend it to include additional terms and conditions to manage the threat. It is recommended that conditions include:

All future facilities should be built to Enhanced Level Protection (as described in the Stormwater Management Planning and Design Manual, MOECC 2003 as amended)
Addition of water quality criteria monitoring for the prescribed threat chemicals (pathogens, aluminum, arsenic, cadmium, chloride, chromium VI, copper, glyphosate, lead,
mecoprop, mercury, nickel, nitrogen, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, petroleum hydrocarbons F1 to F4, total phosphorus, zinc) in addition to regular total suspended solids monitoring requirements to help develop a baseline for effluent quality and identify spikes in contaminants for future investigation

Ensure existing ponds are inspected yearly, and prioritize upgrades/retrofits to ponds/systems in vulnerable areas are prioritized
Sediment volumes should be measured yearly and provided to the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change to ensure compliance
Naturalization around ponds to act as spill buffers
Contain a contingency plan for catastrophic events (>100 year flood) and emergency response
Instruments that exist before the day the Plan takes effect must be reviewed and, if necessary, amended within three years.

The future establishment, operation, and maintenance of a stormwater management facility is prohibited within the WHPA-A or IPZ-1 where stormwater discharges would be a significant drinking water threat. Accordingly, decisions relating to Prescribed Instruments (Environmental Compliance Approvals) must conform with these policies. In addition, decisions made by planning authorities under the Planning Act, 1990 must conform with these policies.

These policies take effect when the Source Protection Plan takes effect.
Note: Additional policies apply. See: MONITORING-2 and MONITORING-3.

Monitoring Text:

MONITORING-2: Planning Act, 1990 policies:
The local planning authority shall, annually by February 1st, provide the Source Protection Authority with the following information for the previous calendar year: • A copy of the sections of the Official Plan and zoning by-laws which were amended to conform with the Source Protection Plan; • A copy of any approvals made under the Planning Act, 1990 for applications for properties in the designated land uses listed in GENERAL-6 (restricted land uses); and • A copy of the permit for approvals made under a change of use by-law, if applicable, for properties in designated land uses listed in GENERAL-6 (restricted land uses), when the permit is issued.

MONITORING-3: Prescribed Instruments:
By February 1st of each year, the Ministries shall prepare an annual summary of the actions taken to achieve the outcomes of the Source Protection policies in the previous calendar year and make that report available to the Source Protection Authority.
Additionally, it is strongly recommended that the Ministry responsible for approval, inspections, and enforcement for each Prescribed Instrument include the following in their annual report:
• The number of instruments which have been reviewed and changes made including amendments to Environmental Compliance Approvals, Nutrient Management Plans/Strategies or Non-Agricultural Source Material Plans;
• Compliance and enforcement relating to Prescribed Instruments for significant threat activities; and
• Prioritized inspections in the vulnerable areas