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Policy Id:
Raisin Region, South Nation
Implementing Body
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Threat Type
MECP - Wastewater/Sewage Works
Conform with
Prescribed Instruments
The ministry continues to identify and review existing Environmental Compliance Approvals as a result of source protection plan amendments on an annual basis. For those existing instruments that are screened by the Ministry and subject to existing threat prescribed instrument policies, the existing instruments will be reviewed to determine if the Standard Operating Policy can be applied or if amendments are needed to protect municipal drinking water sources.
MECP - Wastewater/Sewage Works Inspections
Specify Actions to be taken to implement plan or achieve its objectives
Implemented: Policy outcome(s) evaluated - No further action(s) required
The MECP has a compliance monitoring inspection program wherein sewage works subject to an Environmental Compliance Approval are included. The inspections conducted by the MECP may be announced or un-announced and are prioritized based on a risk assessment process that includes source water protection considerations. MECP Inspections include an assessment of the sewage works performance and maintenance as well as compliance with any terms and conditions in the Environmental Compliance Approval.
Policy Text:
Existing Approvals under the Ontario Water Resources Act, 1990 (as amended) for:
storage of sewage;
sewage treatment plant effluent discharges;
sewage treatment plant bypass discharges to surface water;
combined sewer discharge from a stormwater outlet to surface water; and
industrial effluent discharges;
shall be reviewed to ensure they contain conditions to protect sources of drinking water where they would be a significant drinking water threat. If the instrument does not meet these requirements, the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change (MOECC) shall amend it to include additional terms and conditions to manage the threat.
Instruments that exist before the day the plan takes effect must be reviewed and, if necessary, amended within three years.
These policies take effect when the Source Protection Plan takes effect.
Note: Additional policies apply. See: MONITORING-2 and MONITORING-3.
Monitoring Text:
MONITORING-3: Prescribed Instruments:
By February 1st of each year, the Ministries shall prepare an annual summary of the actions taken to achieve the outcomes of the Source Protection policies in the previous calendar year and make that report available to the Source Protection Authority.
Additionally, it is strongly recommended that the Ministry responsible for approval, inspections, and enforcement for each Prescribed Instrument include the following in their annual report:
• The number of instruments which have been reviewed and changes made including amendments to Environmental Compliance Approvals, Nutrient Management Plans/Strategies or Non-Agricultural Source Material Plans;
• Compliance and enforcement relating to Prescribed Instruments for significant threat activities; and
• Prioritized inspections in the vulnerable areas
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