Policy Edit

Policy Id:



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Threat Type



Policy Text:

To ensure the application of Section 57 (prohibition) and 58 (Risk Management Plan) of the Clean Water Act, 2006, all land-uses as defined in local zoning by-laws are designated for the purpose of Section 59 (restricted land uses) of the Clean Water Act, 2006 within the vulnerable areas.
This applies specifically to these policies related to significant threats in Wellhead Protection Areas and Intake Protection Zones:

AG-2: Existing and future agricultural activities subject to a Risk Management Plan
CHEM-1: Risk Management Plans for existing chemical threats
CHEM-2: Prohibition of future chemical threats
FUEL-1: Existing and future fuel oil storage (O. Reg. 213/01) subject to a Risk

Management Plan

FUEL-2: Risk Management Plan for liquid fuels (O. Reg. 217/01)
FUEL-4: Prohibition of future liquid fuel facilities (O. Reg. 217/01)
PEST-2: The existing and future application, storage, and handling of pesticide

subject to a Risk Management Plan

PEST-3: Prohibition of future commercial storage and handling of pesticide
SALT-2: Risk Management Plans for existing storage of road salt and snow
SALT-3: Prohibition of future storage of salt and snow
WASTE-3: Risk Management Plans for existing waste sites without a Prescribed

WASTE-4: Prohibition of future waste sites without a Prescribed Instrument

If the applicant can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the approval authority that a significant drinking water threat activity will not occur, notice under s. 59 (2) is not required.

Monitoring Text:
