Policy Edit

Policy Id:



Implementing Body

Legal Effect

Policy Tool

Threat Type



Policy Text:

The policy applies in all vulnerable areas where the establishment, operation or maintenance of a septic system would be a significant drinking water threat (existing activity).

The policy applies to approvals from the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change related to the establishment, operation or maintenance of an on-site sewage system as regulated under the Ontario Water Resources Act.

It is recommended that the Ministry review all Environmental Compliance Approvals for on-site sewage systems to determine whether:
a) the system contains design standards that provide reductions in the level of Nitrogen and Phosphorus in the treatment unit effluent;
b) the conditions include requirements for an emergency plan in the event of a failure of the system; and
c) the conditions include requirements for onsite monitoring to ensure that the system is functioning as designed and require the proponent to have the system inspected regularly using a standard equal to or greater than the inspection protocols of the “On-Site Sewage Maintenance Inspection” document dated March 2011 as amended from time to time, developed by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing.

Monitoring Text:

(MP-01): The Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change should, within 40 months after the effective date of the Source Protection Plan or such other date as the Director determines based on a prioritized review of Environmental Compliance Approvals that govern significant drinking water threat activities, provide to the local Source Protection Authority a summary report of the approvals that were reviewed and any amendments that were made.