Policy Edit

Policy Id:



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Policy Text:

Risk Management Plan for Hazardous or Liquid Industrial Wastes without Environmental Compliance Approval

The policy applies in all vulnerable areas where the storage of hazardous waste or liquid industrial waste as defined in Regulation 347 (General - Waste Management) made under the Environmental Protection Act, which does not require an Environmental Compliance Approval or would be a significant drinking water threat (existing activity or future activity).
Refer to the Tables of Drinking Water Threats and online Threats Tool for site specific features and chemicals.

The storage of waste as described may only occur in accordance with an approved Risk Management Plan and is therefore designated for the purposes of s.58 of the Clean Water Act.

Establishment of a Risk Management Plan is required.

For existing facilities, the expansion or improvement of an existing facility, or the establishment of a new storage facility, the Risk Management Plan shall include the following requirements:

1. storage, which should include but not be limited to:
a) run-off containment measures,
b) appropriate buffer zones from watercourses, water bodies or wells, if present, and not located over existing piping or drainage,
c) leak and spill prevention measures,
d) secondary containment measures
2. record keeping
3. spills plan, which should include a pollution prevention assessment.

For properties where the person engaging in the activity has or intends to obtain, an Environmental Compliance Approval as per the Environmental Protection Act, the person engaging in the activity may be deemed to be exempt from the requirement for a Risk Management Plan if the process described in O.Reg. 287/07, s. 61, is followed.

The Risk Management Plan shall be renewed every five years or at the discretion of the Risk Management Official.

All locations for Risk Management Plans for existing activities shall be inventoried within three years and plans established within five years of the effective date of the Source Protection Plan.

Monitoring policies MP-24 and MP-25 apply.

Monitoring Text:

MP-24: The Risk Management Official shall, by February 1 each year, provide to the local Source Protection Authority a summary report for the preceding calendar year that gives an inventory of the number of locations where Risk Management Plans will be negotiated. This inventory must be completed by February 1 of the year following the third anniversary of the effective date.

MP-25: The Risk Management Official shall, by February 1 each year, provide to the local Source Protection Authority a summary report for the preceding calendar year that gives information on the number of plans, a summary of the plans and a summary of any violations.