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Policy Id:
Grey Sauble, Northern Bruce Peninsula, Saugeen Valley
Implementing Body
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Policy Tool
Threat Type
MECP – Permit to Take Water
Conform with
Prescribed Instruments
All existing Permits to Take Water that are located within a WHPA-Q1 with a significant risk level have undergone a comprehensive technical review by the ministry. The Ministry will continue to work with the municipalities in the Saugeen, Grey Sauble and Northern Bruce Peninsula Source Protection Areas as they consider the results of the Tier 3 water budget and how best to incorporate them into their water supply program to ensure long-term sustainability. The ministry will consider the relevant Source Protection policies for certain permit applications as part of the review process as they are received and, where appropriate, include conditions for new/increased permits that would constitute SDWTs to ensure protection of municipal water supplies.
MECP – Permit to Take Water
Conform with
Prescribed Instruments
As part of the current PTTW review and decision making process, the ministry uses best available science to assess the sustainability and potential impacts to municipal drinking water systems, other users, and the environment. The ministry considers relevant Source Protection policies as part of the application evaluation and review process and, where appropriate, includes conditions for new/increased permits that would constitute SDWTs to ensure protection of municipal water supplies.
Policy Text:
The policy applies in all vulnerable areas where water taking activities are significant drinking water threats (existing and future activity).
The policy applies to provincial instruments related to water takings, Permits to Take Water.
The Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change shall:
1. Review all existing permits;
2. Review all future permit applications;
3. Determine whether the permits contain appropriate terms and conditions and require adequate measures to be in place to ensure that the water taking activity ceases to be a significant drinking water threat; and
4. Where the Ministry is of the opinion that the terms, conditions and measures contained in a permit are not adequate, make such amendments to the approval so as to ensure that the water taking activity ceases to be a significant drinking water threat.
Monitoring Text:
MP-01: The Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change should, within 40 months after the effective date of the Source Protection Plan or such other date as the Director determines based on a prioritized review of Environmental Compliance Approvals that govern significant drinking water threat activities, provide to the local Source Protection Authority a summary report of the approvals that were reviewed and any amendments that were made.
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