Policy Edit

Policy Id:



Implementing Body

Legal Effect

Policy Tool

Threat Type



Policy Text:

The policy applies in:

1. all Wellhead Protection Areas where the handling and storage of fuel would be a significant drinking water threat (existing activity or future activity); and
2. all Intake Protection Zones with a vulnerability score of 10 where the handling and storage of fuel would be a significant drinking water threat (existing activity or future activity).

Furthermore, the policy applies under the following circumstances:

A. the quantity of fuel is more than 250 L but not more than 2,500 L; and where the facility is not a bulk plant or a facility that manufacturers or refines fuel
Establishment of a Risk Management Plan is required. The handling and storage of fuel may only occur in accordance with an approved Risk Management Plan and is therefore designated for the purposes of s.58 of the Clean Water Act.

As a minimum, the Risk Management Plan shall contain:

1) a requirement for an annual inspection as per Section 14 of the CAN/CSA-B139-00 Installation Code for Oil Burning Equipment that includes an inspection of the storage tank; or
2) requirements for record keeping and documentation, including the annual inspection report and a copy of the ten-year comprehensive inspection by the fuel oil distributor;
3) provisions for the proper disposal of unused fuel;
4) a spills response plan;
5) requirements for the following containment measures:
i. a double-walled storage tank;
ii. a visible interstitial leak alarm;
iii. if the tank is situated near a floor drain, sump, indoor well, or cracks in the floor, then an electronic monitoring system for spills and leaks with a visible and audible alarm;
6) a deadline for the containment measures identified in clause (5) to be in place within five years of the effective date of the Source Protection Plan.

A Risk Management Plan shall not be approved unless the Risk Management Plan contains provisions requiring:
a) an impervious floor surface in the vicinity of the tank; and
b) the body of the tank and any supply lines to not be in direct contact with the ground.

For clarity, the policy only applies to storage located inside a building.

The Risk Management Plan shall be renewed every five years or at the discretion of the Risk Management Official.

All locations for Risk Management Plans for existing activities shall be inventoried within three years and plans established within five years of the effective date of the Source Protection Plan.

Monitoring policies MP-24 and MP-25 apply.

Monitoring Text:

MP-24: The Risk Management Official shall, by February 1 each year, provide to the local Source Protection Authority a summary report for the preceding calendar year that gives an inventory of the number of locations where Risk Management Plans will be negotiated. This inventory must be completed by February 1 of the year following the third anniversary of the effective date.

MP-25: The Risk Management Official shall, by February 1 each year, provide to the local Source Protection Authority a summary report for the preceding calendar year that gives information on the number of plans, a summary of the plans and a summary of any violations.