Policy Edit

Policy Id:



Implementing Body

Legal Effect

Policy Tool

Threat Type



Policy Text:

The policy applies in all vulnerable areas where activities are or would be a significant drinking water threat (existing activity or future activity).

In accordance with Section 22 (7) of the Clean Water Act, the Ministry of Transportation should:

1. in collaboration with the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change as well as in consultation with Source Protection Authorities, design a sign to the
appropriate Provincial standards, to identify the locations of Wellhead Protection Areas and lntake Protection Zones; and
2. manufacture, install and maintain the signs along Provincial Highways within the Wellhead Protection Areas with a vulnerability score of 10, an lntake Protection
Zone or Wellhead Protection Area E with a vulnerability score of 8 or higher and/or an events-based area.

Municipalities and counties shall be responsible for:
1. purchasing, installing and maintaining appropriate signs designed by the
Province in collaboration with the Ministry of the Environment and Climate
Change as well as in consultation with Source Protection Authorities; and
2. placing these signs, at a minimum, where municipal arterial roads or county
roads are located within a Wellhead Protection Area with a vulnerability score of
10, an lntake Protection Zone or Wellhead Protection Area E with a vulnerability
score of 8 or higher and/or within an events-based area.

The program shall be established within two years of the effective date of the Source
Protection Plan.

Monitoring policies MP-10 and MP-18 apply.

Monitoring Text:

MP-10: The Ministry of Transportation shall, by February 15 each year, provide to the local Source Protection Authority a summary report for the preceding calendar year that gives information on the number of signs installed, the location of the signs and the associated vulnerable area.

MP-18: Municipalities shall, by February 15 each year, provide to the local Source Protection Authority a summary report for the preceding calendar year that gives information on the number of signs installed, the location of the signs and the associated vulnerable area.