Policy Edit

Policy Id:



Implementing Body

Legal Effect

Policy Tool

Threat Type



Policy Text:

To ensure that any drinking water threat in the vicinity of a transport pathway ceases to be or will not become a significant drinking water threat; or that a transport pathway ceases to endanger the raw water supply of a drinking water system, municipalities shall give due consideration to enacting a water connection by-law in a WHPA-A or WHPA-B vulnerable area (existing activity or future activity).

The by-law shall:

apply to all properties in a wellhead protection area zone A or B where:

the vulnerability score is 6, 8 or 10; and
a municipal water line is located on a right-of-way that abuts a property; and
the linear distance between the water line and the point from which plumbing enters or is situated within a structure on the property is less than 100 metres; and
sufficient capacity exists in the municipal water system to supply the property

require connection to the municipal water line;
require decommissioning of any water wells on the property at the time of connection to the municipal water line;
establish a deadline for the connection to be completed that is within five years of the effective date of the Source Protection Plan.

At the discretion of the municipality, the by-law may also contain an exemption for properties where the estimated cost of the water connection exceeds three times the estimated cost of any upgrades or maintenance required on the existing water supply well to bring it into compliance with current regulations.

The process to enact the by-law should be initiated within three years of the effective date of the Source Protection Plan and the by-law enacted within five years of the effective date of the Source Protection Plan.

Monitoring policies MP-11 and MP-19 apply.

Monitoring Text:

MP-11: Municipalities shall, within 30 days following the passing of the by-law, provide a copy of the by-law to the Source Protection Authority.

MP-19: Municipalities shall, by February 15 each year, provide to the local Source Protection Authority a brief summary report for the preceding calendar year that gives information on the activities taken toward implementing the policy.