Policy Edit

Policy Id:



Implementing Body

Legal Effect

Policy Tool

Threat Type



Policy Text:

For activities requiring approval under the Environmental Protection Act or the Ontario Water Resources Act no sewage works (future) shall be established where the establishment, operation and maintenance of sewage works is a significant drinking water threat, where sewage works include:

combined sewers;

wastewater treatment facilities that may discharge sewage to surface water by way of a designed bypass;
wastewater treatment facilities that discharge directly to land or surface water through a means other than a designed bypass (including lagoons); and
future industrial sewage systems.

This policy applies to all IPZ 1 and IPZ 2 areas with a vulnerability score of 9 or above for all four sewage threats. This policy also applies to WHPA A and B with a vulnerability score of 10 for the establishment of future wastewater treatment facilities that discharge directly to land or surface water through a means other than a designed bypass (including lagoons).

Monitoring policy M1 applies.

Monitoring Text:

(M1): By February 1 of each year, the Ministry of the Environment shall prepare a summary of the actions it has taken to achieve the outcome of these policies and make that report available to the Source Protection Authority.