Policy Text:
The City of Greater Sudbury shall create and deliver an education and outreach program regarding the importance of reducing detrimental stormwater runoff from private properties. The program will provide relevant information to homeowners, businesses, and other property owners in the vulnerable areas where stormwater could be a significant threat.
The program may include, but is not limited to, the following:
Information about two approaches to pollution reduction: the proper use/storage of deleterious substances (including provision of information for water-friendly alternatives) and reducing stormwater runoff (e.g. rainwater harvesting, downspout disconnection, other Low Impact Development technologies);
Information about the development setback from water bodies and the shoreline buffer by-law, as well as information about how to re-naturalize a shoreline;
Information about the City of Greater Sudbury Lake Water Quality Program, which provides information and support to lakefront homeowners to improve the health of their properties;
Information about the Sewer Use By-law and complementary information about how to properly dispose of hazardous household products; and
Information about common individual behaviours that impact stormwater quality and quantity such as littering, the proper disposal of trash, cigarette butts, recyclables, pet-waste etc., applying lawn-chemicals and fertilizers, washing cars and changing motor-oil on driveways and water conservation.
A “yellow fish” type program to mark storm drains to remind people that water from storm drains up in bodies of water.
During the development of the program the CGS will consider community based social marketing techniques (e.g. as developed by Doug McKenzie-Mohr) and other such approaches that have been successful in changing people’s behaviour.
Monitoring policy M4 applies.