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MECP - Wastewater/Sewage Works
Conform with
Prescribed Instruments
The ministry continues to identify and review existing Environmental Compliance Approvals as a result of source protection plan amendments on an annual basis. For those existing instruments that are screened by the Ministry and subject to existing threat prescribed instrument policies, the existing instruments will be reviewed to determine if the Standard Operating Policy can be applied or if amendments are needed to protect municipal drinking water sources.
MECP - Wastewater/Sewage Works
Conform with
Prescribed Instruments
Where a source protection plan policy outcome is to manage a significant threat to drinking water sources through the prescribed instrument for sewage works, the ministry is meeting the policy’s obligations by including design and operational measures in an Environmental Compliance Approval. To assist in the implementation of this approach, anyone subject to policy requiring management of a significant drinking water threat is required to include in their application a description of the measures necessary to protect drinking water and submit a ‘Source Protection Supplementary Report’ to outline how the activity for the sewage works will be managed so that the activity will not become a significant drinking water threat.
Policy Text:
Where S3F-PI does not apply and where a sewage system (existing and/or future) is in an area where this activity could be a significant drinking water threat, the Ministry of the Environment shall ensure that the Environmental Compliance Approval that governs the sewage system includes appropriate terms and conditions to ensure that:
The sewage system (existing) ceases to be a significant drinking water threat; or
The sewage system (future) never becomes a significant drinking water threat.
This policy applies to all sewage threats, including stormwater infrastructure.
Monitoring policy M1 applies.
Monitoring Text:
(M1) By February 1 of each year, the Ministry of the Environment shall prepare a summary of the actions it has taken to achieve the outcome of these policies and make that report available to the Source Protection Authority.
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