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Policy Id:
Lower Thames Valley, St. Clair Region, Upper Thames River
Low, Moderate, Significant
Implementing Body
Legal Effect
Policy Tool
Threat Type
Chatham-Kent Municipality of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Land Use Planning Approaches
Planning Application Screening Process in place
Essex, County of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Land Use Planning Approaches
As the County reviews new local Official Plans from the seven municipalities we work with each of the municipalities to ensure appropriate mapping and policy language in keeping with the direction of the Provincial Policy Statement, Clean Water Act and Source Protection Plan.
Lakeshore Town of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Land Use Planning Approaches
Lambton, County of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Land Use Planning Approaches
The new County Official Plan was formulated with input from our local conservation authorities as well as the Province and includes drinking water source protection policies.
Lambton Shores Municipality of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Land Use Planning Approaches
OP in effect. Starting to think about Zoning. Policies taken into consideration on ongoing basis in planning decisions.
Leamington Municipality of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Land Use Planning Approaches
In progress/some progress made
Implementing the written direction for S.59. OP and zoning exercise underway but not yet completed.
Middlesex Centre Municipality of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Land Use Planning Approaches
In progress/some progress made
opa approved but under appeal. zba awaits final approval of opa
Perth East Township of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Land Use Planning Approaches
In progress/some progress made
Land use/ planning is administered by the County of Perth for the Township. The Official Plan update has been completed and is pending approval. A ZBL housekeeping amendment is set to occur in early 2025 with a more comprehensive review occurring shortly thereafter.
Perth South Township of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Land Use Planning Approaches
In progress/some progress made
Perth County official plan submitted to province for review / approval. Zoning By-law update in progress
Plympton-Wyoming Town of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Land Use Planning Approaches
For Agricultural, Commercial and Industrial land uses.
Point Edward Village of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Land Use Planning Approaches
No response required/not applicable
Sarnia City of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Land Use Planning Approaches
In progress/some progress made
remains in progress as both the zoning by-law and official plan continue to go through iterative revision. Secondary Plan for Development Area 2 has now been adopted, but under appeal.
St. Clair Township of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Land Use Planning Approaches
St. Marys Town of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Land Use Planning Approaches
Source water considerations being made in regards to planning decisions. OP review completed and approved by Province in reporting period with Zoning amendments pending final completion on Source Water Incorporation
Stratford City of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Land Use Planning Approaches
Thames Centre Municipality of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Land Use Planning Approaches
West Perth Municipality of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Land Use Planning Approaches
No progress made
West Perth now has consistent planning support from Perth County, it is hoped to move forward with the ZBL conformity exercise.
Policy Text:
All planning decisions shall be in conformity with those policies that address significant drinking water threats as per Section 39 (1) (a) of
the Clean Water Act. All planning decisions shall have regard to those policies that address low and moderate drinking water threats as per
Section 39 (1) (b) of the Clean Water Act.
At minimum, the Municipalities shall amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-Laws to:
a. Identify the vulnerable areas in which a significant drinking water threat could occur;
b. Indicate that within the areas identified, any use or activity that
is, or would be, a significant drinking water threat is required to
conform with all applicable Source Protection Plan policies and, as
such, may be prohibited, restricted or otherwise regulated by the
policies contained in the Source Protection Plan;
c. Identify the significant drinking water threats that are prohibited
through Prescribed Instruments, or Section 57 of the Clean Water Act, in
accordance with the significant drinking water threat-specific policies
contained in this Source Protection Plan;
d. Incorporate any other amendments required to conform with the
significant drinking water threat specific land use policies or to have regard for the low and/or moderate
threat specific land use policies identified in this Source Protection
Plan; and,
e. Incorporate a cross-reference indicating an applicant cannot make a planning application unless it includes a notice issued by the risk management official, as set out in Section 59(1) of the CWA and Section 62 of O. Reg, 287/07.
Monitoring Text:
5.09: Planning Approval Authorities, and all other implementers, shall establish
monitoring programs as per Section 45 of the Clean Water Act. The
information collected through these monitoring programs shall be included
in a monitoring report that shall be submitted annually to the Upper
Thames River Conservation Authority. The information submitted to the
Conservation Authority shall be consistent with the guidance developed
pursuant to policy 5.02 where that guidance identifies items required to
meet provincial reporting requirements of the implementer or SPA.
Aspects of the guidance which are beyond that which is necessary to
satisfy provincial reporting requirements shall be considered in submitting
the monitoring reports. Monitoring reports are to be submitted by
February 1 of each year following the first anniversary of the effective date
of the Source Protection Plan. Monitoring reports shall include information
since the submission of the previous monitoring report to December 31 of
the year previous to the deadline for report submission. For the first report,
the information shall include information from the effective date of the
Source Protection Plan.
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