SWP - Policy Interface
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Policy Id:
Lower Thames Valley, St. Clair Region, Upper Thames River
Low, Moderate, Significant
Implementing Body
Legal Effect
Policy Tool
Threat Type
MECP - Source Protection
Education / Outreach
Future & Existing
Chatham-Kent Municipality of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Education / Outreach
Future & Existing
Essex, County of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Education / Outreach
Future & Existing
No response required/not applicable
Policy 1.01 responsibilities primarily fall under lower-tier municipalities and conservation authorities. The County does not directly involve the implementation of education and outreach programs outlined in this policy. County Planning ensures that appropriate policies are contained within the County Official Plan and local Official Plans but has no further implementation methods pertaining to this policy.
Lakeshore Town of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Education / Outreach
Future & Existing
the conservation authorities provide education and outreach
Lambton, County of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Education / Outreach
Future & Existing
In progress/some progress made
Including education/outreach into local (lower tier) municipal OP updates.
Lambton Shores Municipality of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Education / Outreach
Future & Existing
No response required/not applicable
Awaiting CA lead
Leamington Municipality of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Education / Outreach
Future & Existing
In progress/some progress made
In conjunction with ERCA site visits and site plan approval process.
Middlesex Centre Municipality of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Education / Outreach
Future & Existing
In progress/some progress made
met with property owners doing septic maintenance in 2021. nothing really in 2022. nothing in 2023
Perth East Township of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Education / Outreach
Future & Existing
Perth South Township of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Education / Outreach
Future & Existing
UTRCA implemented
Plympton-Wyoming Town of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Education / Outreach
Future & Existing
Point Edward Village of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Education / Outreach
Future & Existing
No response required/not applicable
Sarnia City of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Education / Outreach
Future & Existing
St. Clair Township of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Education / Outreach
Future & Existing
In progress/some progress made
The Official Plan is currently being updated and will address these issues.
St. Marys Town of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Education / Outreach
Future & Existing
Stratford City of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Education / Outreach
Future & Existing
In progress/some progress made
Education through local elementary and high schools have been completed. Plant Tours of the Stratford WPCP and educational videos are also being used to educate the public about water conservation and stewardship.
Thames Centre Municipality of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Education / Outreach
Future & Existing
West Perth Municipality of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Education / Outreach
Future & Existing
Policy Text:
Education and Outreach programs designed to increase awareness and understanding of drinking water threats, and promote best management practices as a means of reducing the risks to drinking water sources, shall be developed and implemented collaboratively by Municipal/Conservation Authority/Provincial partners with the Conservation Authority providing a lead role. The programs shall address low, moderate and significant drinking water threats with the priority placed on significant drinking water threats and activities which may contribute to an issue. The focus should be on incorporating Drinking Water Source Protection messaging into existing education and outreach materials and programs as a first priority. New education and outreach materials and programs may also be developed and implemented, if deemed necessary and/or appropriate, and be subject to available funding. Municipalities and Conservation Authorities, in collaboration with the Province (Ministry of Environment), should consider options for the long-term support of education and outreach programs. The program scope shall be subject to available funding. MECP was here.
Monitoring Text:
5.04: Ministry of Environment, and all other implementers, shall establish monitoring programs as per Section 45 of the Clean Water Act. The information collected through these monitoring programs shall be included in a monitoring report that shall be submitted annually to the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority. The information submitted to the Conservation Authority shall be consistent with the guidance developed pursuant to policy 5.02 where that guidance identifies items required to meet provincial reporting requirements of the implementer or SPA. Aspects of the guidance which are beyond that which is necessary to satisfy provincial reporting requirements shall be considered in submitting the monitoring reports. Monitoring reports are to be submitted by February 1 of each year following the first anniversary of the effective date of the Source Protection Plan. Monitoring reports shall include information since the submission of the previous monitoring report to December 31 of the year previous to the deadline for report submission. For the first report, the information shall include information from the effective date of the Source Protection Plan. 5.07: Conservation Authorities, and all other implementers, shall establish monitoring programs as per Section 45 of the Clean Water Act. The information collected through these monitoring programs shall be included in a monitoring report that shall be submitted annually to the Source Protection Authority. The information submitted to the Source Protection Authority shall be consistent with the guidance developed pursuant to policy 5.02 where that guidance identifies items required to meet provincial reporting requirements of the implementer or SPA. Aspects of the guidance which are beyond that which is necessary to satisfy provincial reporting requirements shall be considered in submitting the monitoring reports. Monitoring reports are to be submitted by February 1 of each year following the first anniversary of the effective date of the Source Protection Plan. Monitoring reports shall include information since the submission of the previous monitoring report to December 31 of the year previous to the deadline for report submission. For the first report, the information shall include information from the effective date of the Source Protection Plan. 5.08: Municipalities, and all other implementers, shall establish monitoring programs as per Section 45 of the Clean Water Act. The information collected through these monitoring programs shall be included in a monitoring report that shall be submitted annually to the Upper Thames River Conservation Authority. The information submitted to the Conservation Authority shall be consistent with the guidance developed pursuant to policy 5.02 where that guidance identifies items required to meet provincial reporting requirements of the implementer or SPA. Aspects of the guidance which are beyond that which is necessary to satisfy provincial reporting requirements shall be considered in submitting the monitoring reports. Monitoring reports are to be submitted by February 1 of each year following the first anniversary of the effective date of the Source Protection Plan. Monitoring reports shall include information since the submission of the previous monitoring report to December 31 of the year previous to the deadline for report submission. For the first report, the information shall include information from the effective date of the Source Protection Plan.
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