Policy Edit

Policy Id:



Implementing Body

Legal Effect

Policy Tool

Threat Type



Policy Text:

The transportation of fuel and nitrogen based fertilizer along provincial highways, county and local roads, railways, waterways and the transportation of liquid petroleum products through pipelines have been identified as a local threat in the Assessment Reports. Event based modelling has identified these activities as significant drinking water threats within specified parts of IPZ-1, 2 and 3. In these areas, municipalities shall consider:

a) rerouting, where possible, highways and arterial roads around more vulnerable areas where opportunities arise;
b) placing road signs, consistent with policies 1.02 and 1.03, at the entrance to IPZs so emergency responders and those engaged in transportation of these materials are aware that a spill may pose a significant risk to the drinking water source;
c) reviewing their emergency response programs with regards to the ability to contain chemical spills; and
d) reviewing their water treatment plant response time, procedures and equipment.

Monitoring Text:

5.08: Municipalities, and all other implementers, shall establish monitoring
programs as per Section 45 of the Clean Water Act. The information
collected through these monitoring programs shall be included in a
monitoring report that shall be submitted annually to the Upper Thames
River Conservation Authority. The information submitted to the
Conservation Authority shall be consistent with the guidance developed
pursuant to policy 5.02 where that guidance identifies items required to
meet provincial reporting requirements of the implementer or SPA.
Aspects of the guidance which are beyond that which is necessary to
satisfy provincial reporting requirements shall be considered in submitting
the monitoring reports. Monitoring reports are to be submitted by February
1 of each year following the first anniversary of the effective date of the
Source Protection Plan. Monitoring reports shall include information since
the submission of the previous monitoring report to December 31 of the
year previous to the deadline for report submission. For the first report, the
information shall include information from the effective date of the Source
Protection Plan.