Policy Edit

Policy Id:



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Policy Text:

To reduce the risk to municipal drinking water sources from septic systems or septic holding tanks that are subject to an Environmental Compliance Approval (ECA), in accordance with the Ontario Water Resources Act and which are a significant drinking water threat, the Province (Ministry of Environment) should develop a compliance monitoring program. The compliance monitoring should include inspection of the system to ensure that it continues to function as designed, meets applicable design standards, and is being properly maintained. Priorities for the compliance monitoring program should include areas where known septic failures have been identified and areas where older systems have not recently been inspected. Systems found to be deficient are required to undertake improvements to be in compliance.

Where the system is subject to a mandatory inspection as per conditions on the ECA as outlined in Policy OC-2.07, the compliance monitoring program may consider a certificate produced by a qualified person as proof that the system has been inspected and is properly functioning.

Monitoring Text: