Policy Edit

Policy Id:



Implementing Body

Legal Effect

Policy Tool

Threat Type



Policy Text:

Applicable Activities: Any of the following activities that would be a future significant drinking water threat (see Table 4.6):

a) The application of agricultural source material to land;
b) The storage of agricultural source material;
c) The application of commercial fertilizer to land;
d) The handling and storage of commercial fertilizer;
e) The application of pesticide to land;
f) The handling and storage of pesticide; and
g) The use of land as livestock grazing or pasturing land, an outdoor confinement area or a farm animal yard.

A-4(1): In a WHPA-A or IPZ-1[1], the activity is prohibited and designated for the purpose of section 57 of the Clean Water Act, 2006.

A-4(2): The activity is designated for the purpose of section 58 of the Clean Water Act, 2006. The risk management plan will be prepared in accordance with the general provisions given in policy G-8.

A-4(3): The risk management plan required by Policy A-4(2) will be developed in consideration of the requirements of any applicable Prescribed Instrument, as appropriate.

A-4(4): In a WHPA-A or IPZ-11, and where a Prescribed Instrument is required, future occurrences of the activity are not permitted.

[1] Consult the Trent Assessment Report for maps of wellhead protection areas and intake protection zones.

Monitoring Text:

G-2(2): The ministry shall prepare, by February 1 each year, an annual summary of the actions it has
taken to achieve the outcomes of the source protection plan policies and make that report
available to the applicable Source Protection Authority.

Recommended contents of the report include, but are not limited to:
a) A summary of the reviews completed during the calendar year on the Prescribed
Instruments for existing significant drinking water threats, including a summary of
the provisions included to ensure that the activity(ies) cease to be significant
drinking water threats;
b) A summary of the reviews completed during the calendar year on the Prescribed
Instruments for future activities, including a summary of the provisions included to
ensure that the activity(ies) will not be significant drinking water threats;
c) A summary of inspections carried out and any orders issued as a result of an
inspection during the preceding calendar year; and
d) Other content as specified in clauses S-3(3), A-2(2), and OT-1(7)

G-7(1): The Risk Management Official will undertake the reporting requirements specified in section 65 of the
General Regulation made under the Clean Water Act, 2006 by February 1 each year for the preceding
calendar year.

G-8(4): The Risk Management Official will undertake the reporting requirements specified in
section 65 of the General Regulation under the Clean Water Act, 2006 by February 1 each
year for the preceding calendar year.