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Policy Id:
Crowe Valley, Ganaraska Region, Kawartha-Haliburton, Lower Trent, Otonabee-Peterborough
Implementing Body
Legal Effect
Policy Tool
Threat Type
MECP - Wastewater/Sewage Works
Conform with
Prescribed Instruments
Based on criteria, the prescribed instrument application may be flagged for a more detailed ‘secondary screening’ to determine if the activity associated with the application is a significant drinking water threat. If yes, the appropriate standard operating policy is applied. As legally required, where a source protection policy that relies on a prescribed instrument to prohibit an activity that is a significant drinking water threat, the ministry is conforming to the policy by refusing to issue an instrument for the activity.
MECP - Wastewater/Sewage Works Inspections
Specify Actions to be taken to implement plan or achieve its objectives
Implemented: Policy outcome(s) evaluated - No further action(s) required
There was one municipal sewage treatment plant identified as being a significant drinking water threat located in the Crowe Valley Source Protection Area. Specifically, the Havelock Water Pollution Control Plant was inspected in July 2021. There were two municipal sewage treatment plants identified as being a significant drinking water threat located in the Ganaraska Region Source Protection Area. Specifically, the Cobourg No 1 Water Pollution Control Plant was inspected by the MECP in April 2024, and the Port Hope Sewage Treatment Plant was inspected in 2019. There were four municipal sewage treatment plant identified as being a significant drinking water threat located in the Lower Trent Source Protection Area. Specifically, the Batawa Water Pollution Control Plant was inspected by the MECP in May 2021, Picton Wastewater Treatment Plant inspected in 2017, Hastings Water Pollution Control Plant inspected in 2020, and the Stonecrest Sewage Treatment Plant inspected in 2022. There was one industrial, private, or commercial sewage works inspection in 2023. Specifically, the Robert G. Lake Generating Station was inspected by the MECP in March of 2023.. No orders were issued related to sewage works at sites determined to be significant threats in the Trent Conservation Coalition.
Alnwick/Haldimand Township of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Land Use Planning Approaches
Asphodel-Norwood Township of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Land Use Planning Approaches
S-3(2) Official Plan & Zoning By-law policies in place - amended in 2016. AN will be part of new County OP, which was approved by Council in 2022 and awaiting approval from MMAH.
Brighton Municipality of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Land Use Planning Approaches
Cavan Monaghan Township of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Land Use Planning Approaches
S-3(2) OP polices in place.
Clarington Municipality of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Land Use Planning Approaches
Policies and processes in place. Septic systems are regulated and approved by the Region of Durham.
Cramahe Township of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Land Use Planning Approaches
In progress/some progress made
Douro-Dummer Township of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Land Use Planning Approaches
S-3(2) Official Plans have been amended
Durham, Regional Municipality of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Land Use Planning Approaches
In progress/some progress made
Amendments to the Durham Region official plan to implement the policy have been initiated and will be completed as part of the Municipal comprehensive review.
Trent Lakes Municipality of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Land Use Planning Approaches
Official Plan policies in place. No SWM facilities in vulnerable areas in Trent Lakes in 2024.
Haliburton, County of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Land Use Planning Approaches
Completed 2017
Hamilton Township of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Land Use Planning Approaches
Septic systems would be considered at the time of plan review. There is no wastewater system to connect to.
Hastings Highlands Municipality of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Land Use Planning Approaches
No response required/not applicable
Havelock-Belmont-Methuen Township of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Land Use Planning Approaches
In progress/some progress made
Engineering studies and upgrades to infrastructure are currently in progress as well as an assessment of the current waste treatment facility. Waiting on results of the EA. 2023 Update: the EA has been completed. There will be a need to support upgrades to our current infrastructure, especially towards the southern orientation of the Township, which runs at full capacity in some areas during certain seasons. 2024 Update: None at this time
Highlands East Municipality of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Land Use Planning Approaches
No response required/not applicable
Kawartha Lakes City of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Land Use Planning Approaches
No response required/not applicable
Marmora and Lake Municipality of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Land Use Planning Approaches
Minden Hills Township of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Land Use Planning Approaches
Northumberland, County of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Land Use Planning Approaches
Policies and procedures in place.
Otonabee-South Monaghan Township of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Land Use Planning Approaches
No response required/not applicable
S-3(2) No SWM facilities in vulnerable areas. only SWM ponds in municipality are located at Burnham Meadows and Ambria Developments, which are outside VA.
Peterborough City of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Land Use Planning Approaches
S-3(2) Policy incorporated into Section 6.1.4 of the City's new Official Plan (approved on April 11, 2023. Bill 150, the Planning Statute Law Amendment Act, 2023 and Bill 162, Get It Done Act, 2024 received Royal Assent on December 6, 2023, and May 16, 2024, respectively, and did not repeal any of the policies/modifications pertaining to source water protection).
Peterborough, County of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Land Use Planning Approaches
Policies in current OP to reflect policy requirements. New OP adopted in June 2022 and awaiting MMAH approval
Quinte West City of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Land Use Planning Approaches
Scugog Township of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Land Use Planning Approaches
OPA No. 8 to Township's OP approved by Durham Region in 2021 and is now in effect.
Selwyn Township of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Land Use Planning Approaches
S-3(2) OP policies in place
Stirling-Rawdon Township of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Land Use Planning Approaches
Trent Hills Municipality of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Land Use Planning Approaches
Implemented: Policy outcome(s) evaluated - No further action(s) required
Uxbridge Township of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Land Use Planning Approaches
Policy Text:
Applicable Activities: The establishment, operation or maintenance of a system that collects, stores, transmits, treats or disposes of sewage that would be a future significant drinking water threat and would require a Prescribed Instrument, except a wastewater collection facility that collects or transmits sewage containing human waste.
S-3(1): Future occurrences of the activity shall only be permitted when:
a) The proposed activity is intended to replace an existing activity or activities;
b) The proposed activity would be more protective of drinking water; and
c) The instrument for the proposed activity contains conditions that ensure that it does not become a significant drinking water threat.
S-3(2): Future occurrences of the activity are prohibited. This does not apply for an activity that meets the conditions of Policy S-3(1).
S-3(3): Where a proposed future activity meets the conditions of Policy S-3(1), the following content is recommended to be included in the report required by Policy G-2(2):
a) A description of how the replacement activity will be more protective of drinking water than the existing activity or activities;
b) A description of the conditions of the Prescribed Instrument that will ensure that the activity does not become a significant drinking water threat; and
c) A description of any orders issued as a result of an inspection.
Monitoring Text:
G-2(2): The ministry shall prepare, by February 1 each year, an annual summary of the actions it has taken to achieve the outcomes of the source protection plan policies and make that report available to the applicable Source Protection Authority.
Recommended contents of the report include, but are not limited to:
a) A summary of the reviews completed during the calendar year on the Prescribed
Instruments for existing significant drinking water threats, including a summary of
the provisions included to ensure that the activity(ies) cease to be significant
drinking water threats;
b) A summary of the reviews completed during the calendar year on the Prescribed
Instruments for future activities, including a summary of the provisions included to
ensure that the activity(ies) will not be significant drinking water threats;
c) A summary of inspections carried out and any orders issued as a result of an
inspection during the preceding calendar year; and
d) Other content as specified in clauses S-3(3), A-2(2), and OT-1(7)
[Monitoring Policy for GANARASKA SOURCE PROTECTION AREA ONLY]: G-10(2): Report by February 1 each year to the Ganaraska Region Source Protection
Authority on how the requirements of the policy were achieved during the
preceding calendar year. Where the approval authority is not the lower or
single tier municipality, the report will be copied to the relevant municipality
and the Source Protection Authority.
S-3(3): Where a proposed future activity meets the conditions of Policy S-3(1), the following content is recommended to be included in the report required by Policy G-2(2):
a) A description of how the replacement activity will be more protective of drinking water than the existing activity or activities;
b) A description of the conditions of the Prescribed Instrument that will ensure that the activity does not become a significant drinking water threat; and
c) A description of any orders issued as a result of an inspection.
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