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Policy Id:
Crowe Valley, Ganaraska Region, Kawartha-Haliburton, Lower Trent, Otonabee-Peterborough
Low, Moderate, Significant
Implementing Body
Legal Effect
Policy Tool
Threat Type
MTO - Signage
Education / Outreach
Future & Existing
MTO and MECP worked together on the Vulnerable Area Road Sign initiative to identify drinking water protection zones in Source Protection Areas (SPAs) across Ontario. Sign design and supporting implementation policy was led by MTO in consultation with the MECP and Source Protection chairs/project managers. In October 2015, MECP provided all SPAs with the final MTO sign design for use on Ontario’s provincial and municipal roads. This portion of the policy is deemed completed. MTO manufactured signs for all source protection regions. The ministry reviewed requests for signs located on provincial highways, submitted by source protection chairs through the MECP, and conducted a safety assessment to ensure sign locations were in accordance with provincial standards for sign placement. MTO sought input from SPAs (through MECP) and provided notice of the approximate locations where provincial highway signs were to be installed in their source protection region. Signs have been installed at 128 identified locations (includes all Source Protection Regions/Areas) on provincial highways. MTO will maintain the signs installed along provincial highways as part of provincial highway infrastructure. All 15 signs approved for this region have been installed. Sign Locations: Hwy 7 Westbound, 200m East of Mary Street Hwy 35 Northbound, 100m South of Monck Road Hwy 35 Southbound, 115m North of Cameron Road Hwy 7/35 Westbound, 400m West of Hwy 35/Lindsay Street South Hwy 7/35 Eastbound, 780m West of Hwy 35/Lindsay Street South Hwy 401 Eastbound, 100m West of RR 33/Trenton Frankford Hwy 401 Westbound, 700m East of Glen Miller Road Hwy 401 Eastbound, 700m West of County Road 26 overpass Hwy 401 Westbound, 220m West of County Road 26 overpass Hwy 7 Eastbound, 15m West of Pine Street Hwy 7 Westbound, 30m East of Elm Street Hwy 28 Southbound, 1.2 km North of Strickland Street/Lynchs Rock Road Hwy 28 Northbound, 700m North of Strickland Street/Lynchs Rock Road Hwy 7A Eastbound, 75m West of Longfield Drive Hwy 7A Westbound, 110m East of Longfield Drive
Alnwick/Haldimand Township of - (Municipality)
Education / Outreach
Future & Existing
No response required/not applicable
Wellhead Protection Area score of 10 does not cross any roads. No signage required.
Asphodel-Norwood Township of - (Municipality)
Education / Outreach
Future & Existing
Signs installed using provincial template on highways and roads in applicable areas in 2017, no new signs installed in this reporting year.
Brighton Municipality of - (Municipality)
Education / Outreach
Future & Existing
Cavan Monaghan Township of - (Municipality)
Education / Outreach
Future & Existing
Signs installed at appropriate locations in vulnerable areas. No new signs installed in this reporting year.
Cobourg Town of - (Municipality)
Education / Outreach
Future & Existing
Although this policy does not apply to the Town of Cobourg given the vulnerability scores, signs were installed in the IPZ-1 voluntarily.
Cramahe Township of - (Municipality)
Education / Outreach
Future & Existing
Douro-Dummer Township of - (Municipality)
Education / Outreach
Future & Existing
Signage installation completed in 2017. 1 sign was replaced on County Road 32 in 2024.
Durham, Regional Municipality of - (Municipality)
Education / Outreach
Future & Existing
Signs installed prior to plan approval.
Trent Lakes Municipality of - (Municipality)
Education / Outreach
Future & Existing
Signage installation completed in 2017. No additional signage installed in this reporting year. OCWA installs the SWP Signs
Hamilton Township of - (Municipality)
Education / Outreach
Future & Existing
Signs have been installed.
Havelock-Belmont-Methuen Township of - (Municipality)
Education / Outreach
Future & Existing
Signage installation completed in 2017. No additional signage installed in this reporting year. Inspections of all signage was completed on January 28, 2025. Two (2) signs will need to be replaced, the sign at our Municipal Well on Old Norwood Road and the sign westbound on County Road 48, east of Mary Street.
Highlands East Municipality of - (Municipality)
Education / Outreach
Future & Existing
No additional signs or changes to existing signs in 2023.
Kawartha Lakes City of - (Municipality)
Education / Outreach
Future & Existing
Road signs installed as required.
Marmora and Lake Municipality of - (Municipality)
Education / Outreach
Future & Existing
The Municipality purchased the new MTO approved Drinking Water signs. Signs are placed on roads in the IPZ with a vulerability score of 10. Locations are: upon the entrance and exit of the Marmora IPZ along Cordova Road/Main Street. Another sign is placed on Bontervale Road in the IPZ 1. A sign for boaters is placed on the overpass of a bridge in the IPZ on Crowe River. Last, a sign is placed at the municipal boat launch that lies within the IPZ 1.
Minden Hills Township of - (Municipality)
Education / Outreach
Future & Existing
Otonabee-South Monaghan Township of - (Municipality)
Education / Outreach
Future & Existing
Signage installation completed in 2017. No additional signage installed in this reporting year.
Peterborough City of - (Municipality)
Education / Outreach
Future & Existing
All signs are still in place and good condition. No additional signage installed in this reporting year.
Port Hope Municipality of - (Municipality)
Education / Outreach
Future & Existing
Implemented: Policy outcome(s) evaluated - No further action(s) required
This policy is not applicable to the Municipality and no signs have been installed voluntarily.
Quinte West City of - (Municipality)
Education / Outreach
Future & Existing
Scugog Township of - (Municipality)
Education / Outreach
Future & Existing
In progress/some progress made
Done by Region of Durham
Selwyn Township of - (Municipality)
Education / Outreach
Future & Existing
Signage completed in 2017. No additional signage installed in this reporting year.
Stirling-Rawdon Township of - (Municipality)
Education / Outreach
Future & Existing
Trent Hills Municipality of - (Municipality)
Education / Outreach
Future & Existing
Implemented: Policy outcome(s) evaluated - No further action(s) required
Uxbridge Township of - (Municipality)
Education / Outreach
Future & Existing
Policy Text:
Policy G-6: Signage for Vulnerable Areas
Applicability: This policy applies to all municipal drinking water systems in the Trent source protection areas.
G-6(1): In collaboration with the Ministry of the Environment and in consultation with source protection authorities, design a sign to the appropriate Provincial standards to identify the locations of wellhead protection areas and intake protection zones.
G-6(2): Manufacture, install, and maintain the signs required by (1) along Provincial Highways within wellhead protection areas with a vulnerability score of 10 and/or within intake protection zones or a wellhead protection area E with a vulnerability score of 8 or higher.
G-6(3): Purchase, install, and maintain the signs designed by the Province in collaboration with the applicable Source Protection Authorities. The signs should be placed, at a minimum, where municipal arterial roads are located within wellhead protection areas with a vulnerability score of 10 and/or intake protection zones or a wellhead protection area E with a vulnerability score of 8 or higher.
G-6(4): If similar signs are already in place, the sign identified in Policy G-6(3) will be used for all future replacement of the existing signs.
G-6(5): The municipality and the ministry shall prepare, by February 1 each year, an annual summary of the actions it has taken to achieve the outcomes of the source protection plan policies and make that report available to the applicable Source Protection Authority.
Recommended contents of the report include, but are not limited to:
a) A summary of the measures taken to implement (1), (2), and / or (3) for the preceding calendar year.
Monitoring Text:
G-6(5): The municipality and the ministry shall prepare, by February 1 each year, an annual summary of the actions it has taken to achieve the outcomes of the source protection plan policies and make that report available to the applicable Source Protection Authority.
Recommended contents of the report include, but are not limited to:
a) A summary of the measures taken to implement (1), (2), and / or (3) for the preceding calendar year.
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