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Policy Id:
Crowe Valley, Ganaraska Region, Kawartha-Haliburton, Lower Trent, Otonabee-Peterborough
Implementing Body
Legal Effect
Policy Tool
Threat Type
Alnwick/Haldimand Township of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Specify Actions to be taken to implement plan or achieve its objectives
Future & Existing
Asphodel-Norwood Township of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Specify Actions to be taken to implement plan or achieve its objectives
Future & Existing
G-3 (1) This is an active conversation between staff and Council.
Brighton Municipality of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Specify Actions to be taken to implement plan or achieve its objectives
Future & Existing
Cavan Monaghan Township of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Specify Actions to be taken to implement plan or achieve its objectives
Future & Existing
G-3(1) No opportunity to purchase property to date. The Township continues to work with Infrastructure Ontario with regard to the former Millbrook jail lands. Monitoring of wells continues.
Centre Hastings Municipality of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Specify Actions to be taken to implement plan or achieve its objectives
Future & Existing
Implemented: Policy outcome(s) evaluated - No further action(s) required
Cobourg Town of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Specify Actions to be taken to implement plan or achieve its objectives
Future & Existing
No land purchased in 2024. May be considered in future as required.
Cramahe Township of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Specify Actions to be taken to implement plan or achieve its objectives
Future & Existing
Douro-Dummer Township of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Specify Actions to be taken to implement plan or achieve its objectives
Future & Existing
No available lands for purchase and no financing even if some were available.
Durham, Regional Municipality of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Specify Actions to be taken to implement plan or achieve its objectives
Future & Existing
No response required/not applicable
No properties purchased in 2022.
Trent Lakes Municipality of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Specify Actions to be taken to implement plan or achieve its objectives
Future & Existing
No purchases have been made
Hamilton Township of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Specify Actions to be taken to implement plan or achieve its objectives
Future & Existing
Land acquisition considered on an ongoing basis.
Havelock-Belmont-Methuen Township of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Specify Actions to be taken to implement plan or achieve its objectives
Future & Existing
HBM will review properties for sale in the WHPA-A and WHPA-B on an ongoing basis. The municipality owns a significant amount of land surrounding the main HBM wells. Additional lands are either residential or owned by the Housing Authority with minimal threats, if any.
Highlands East Municipality of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Specify Actions to be taken to implement plan or achieve its objectives
Future & Existing
Lands considered for purchase in Dyno Estates WHPA-B. No lands currently available. Most of the threats within Dyno are from residential use - fuel and septic. It is not likely that future threats can be created. Purchase of small residential lots is a lower priority for the municipality.
Kawartha Lakes City of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Specify Actions to be taken to implement plan or achieve its objectives
Future & Existing
No response required/not applicable
Not feasible, The City has selected the preferred action to negotiate RMP’s with the property owners through the RMO
Marmora and Lake Municipality of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Specify Actions to be taken to implement plan or achieve its objectives
Future & Existing
No properites purchased. The Municipality will consider purchasing property in vulnerable areas should property be available for purchase.
Minden Hills Township of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Specify Actions to be taken to implement plan or achieve its objectives
Future & Existing
Otonabee-South Monaghan Township of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Specify Actions to be taken to implement plan or achieve its objectives
Future & Existing
No properties purchased in vulnerable areas in 2024
Peterborough City of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Specify Actions to be taken to implement plan or achieve its objectives
Future & Existing
G-3(1) No properties were purchased within the vulnerable area during the 2024 reporting period.
Port Hope Municipality of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Specify Actions to be taken to implement plan or achieve its objectives
Future & Existing
Implemented: Policy outcome(s) evaluated - No further action(s) required
No land purchased during a reporting period. The land purchase will be considered as needed.
Quinte West City of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Specify Actions to be taken to implement plan or achieve its objectives
Future & Existing
Scugog Township of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Specify Actions to be taken to implement plan or achieve its objectives
Future & Existing
No response required/not applicable
Selwyn Township of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Specify Actions to be taken to implement plan or achieve its objectives
Future & Existing
The Township monitors the potential to acquire any relevant property in the vulnerable area on an ongoing basis.
Stirling-Rawdon Township of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Specify Actions to be taken to implement plan or achieve its objectives
Future & Existing
Trent Hills Municipality of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Specify Actions to be taken to implement plan or achieve its objectives
Future & Existing
Implemented: Policy outcome(s) evaluated - No further action(s) required
Uxbridge Township of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Specify Actions to be taken to implement plan or achieve its objectives
Future & Existing
Policy Text:
Applicable Activities: All activities listed in section 1.1 of the General regulation under the Clean Water Act, 2006 that are existing significant drinking water threats or that would be future significant drinking water threats. (These activities are listed in Section
G-3(1): To prevent the activity causing the threat, consider the purchase of properties located in the most vulnerable areas on an ongoing basis. Criteria for evaluating the feasibility of purchasing land can include, but are not limited to:
a) The nature of any existing and potential future significant drinking water threats;
b) The availability of the lands for purchase; and
c) The availability of funds and financial feasibility
G-3(2): The municipality shall prepare, by February 1 each year, an annual summary of the actions it has taken to achieve the outcomes of the source protection plan policies and make that report available to the applicable Source Protection Authority.
Recommended contents of the report include, but are not limited to:
a) A summary of any land purchases within a vulnerable area and how significant drinking water threats were eliminated as a result of the purchase.
Monitoring Text:
G-3(2): The municipality shall prepare, by February 1 each year, an annual summary of the actions it has taken to achieve the outcomes of the source protection plan policies and make that report available to the applicable Source Protection Authority.
Recommended contents of the report include, but are not limited to:
a) A summary of any land purchases within a vulnerable area and how significant drinking water threats were eliminated as a result of the purchase.
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