Policy Edit

Policy Id:



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Threat Type



Policy Text:

Applicable Activities: Any of the following activities is an existing significant drinking water threat or would be a future significant drinking water threat:

a) Establishment, operation or maintenance of a waste disposal site within the meaning of Part V of the Environmental Protection Act;
b) Establishment, operation or maintenance of a system that collects, stores, transmits, treats or disposes of sewage;
c) Application of agricultural source material to land;
d) Storage of agricultural source material;
e) Application of commercial fertilizer to land;
f) Handling and storage of commercial fertilizer;
g) Application of pesticide to land;
h) Handling and storage of pesticide;
i) Use of land as livestock grazing or pasturing land, an outdoor confinement area, or a farm-animal yard;
j) Application of non-agricultural source material to land;
k) Handling and storage of non-agricultural source material;
l) Application of road salt;
m) Handling and storage of road salt;
n) Handling and storage of fuel;
o) Handling and storage of a dense non-aqueous phase liquid;
p) Handling and storage of an organic solvent;
q) Storage of snow; and
r) Maintaining open areas of mown grass for recreational activities that promote the congregation of waterfowl within or
near surface water bodies.

G-5(1): Requirement for Educational Program

Develop and implement an ongoing education and outreach program within two years. The program will seek to educate anyone engaging in an activity that is or would be a significant drinking water threat and may include, but is not limited to:
a) The location of vulnerable areas;
b) Best management practices that can minimize or eliminate the impacts of the subject activities on the drinking water source; and
c) The opportunities for funding under the Ontario Drinking Water Stewardship Program (ODWSP) or other applicable incentive programs.

G-5(2): Consult with relevant provincial ministries, industry associations, and other relevant organizations during the development of the education and outreach programs required by (1).

G-5(3): Option for Alternate Implementing Body

The municipality may enter into an agreement with a conservation authority or other third party that identifies the third party as the implementing body for the education and outreach program required by (1) and(2), and related reporting requirements (7).

G-5(4): Option for Harmonization with Existing Programs

The education and outreach program required by (1) can be harmonized with existing education and outreach programs, such as the Ontario Drinking Water Stewardship Program (ODWSP), where this would result in an increase in efficiency or cost-effectiveness.

G-5(5): Specific Provisions for Fuel Storage Education Program

Where an education and outreach program required by (1) is developed to address the storage of liquid fuel in a tank at a facility as defined in section 1 of O. Reg. 213/01 (Fuel Oil) made under the Technical Standards and Safety Act, 2000, the program will include, at a minimum:
a) The mandatory requirements for fuel tank usage and maintenance;
b) Best management practices for fuel tank usage and maintenance;
c) Distribution of a sticker to be placed on oil tanks and fill pipes that indicates that the tank is located in a vulnerable area and provides a procedure to follow in the event of a fuel spill or leak, and a spill response contact number; and
d) Coordinate with relevant associations to make use of existing stickers or to create a consistent product required to comply with (c).

G-5(6): Specific Provisions for Fuel Handling Education Program

Where an education and outreach program required by (1) is developed to address the handling of liquid fuel in relation to its storage at a facility as defined in section 1 of O. Reg. 213/01 (Fuel Oil) made under the Technical Standards and Safety Act, 2000 or a facility as defined in section 1 of O. Reg. 217/01 (Liquid Fuels) made under the Technical Standards and Safety Act, 2000, the program will focus on source protection and emergency response.

G-5(7): Reporting Requirements

The municipality shall prepare, by February 1 each year, an annual summary of the actions it has taken to achieve the outcomes of the source protection plan policies and make that report available to the applicable Source Protection Authority.
Recommended contents of the report include, but are not limited to:
a) A summary of the activities undertaken as part of the education and outreach program in the preceding calendar year.

Monitoring Text:

G-5(7): Reporting Requirements

The municipality shall prepare, by February 1 each year, an annual summary of the actions it has taken to achieve the outcomes of the source protection plan policies and make that report available to the applicable Source Protection Authority.

Recommended contents of the report include, but are not limited to:
a) A summary of the activities undertaken as part of the education and outreach program in the preceding calendar year.