Policy Edit

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Policy Text:

Transitional Provisions and Definition of ""Existing""/""Future""
Policy G-1: Transitional Provisions
Applicable Activities: This policy applies to all policies in this Source Protection Plan.

G-1(1): A future significant drinking water threat is defined as the following:

An activity that is proposed to commence after the date the source
protection plan takes effect and is not an existing activity.

G-1(2): An existing significant drinking water threat is defined as the following:

a) An activity that has been engaged in prior to the date that the Trent Source Protection Plan takes effect and continues to occur;
b) An agricultural activity that has been engaged in at some time within the 10-year period prior to the date that the Trent Source Protection Plan takes effect;
c) An activity that is related to a development proposal where an application was made under the Planning Act, Condominium Act, or Building Code Act on a day before the source protection plan takes effect, including but not limited to a matter listed in G-1(3); or
d) An activity that is related to an application made for the issuance or amendment of a prescribed instrument on a day before the source protection plan takes effect.

G-1(3): For the purposes of G-1(2)c, a matter is deemed to have commenced prior to the date that the Trent Source Protection Plan takes effect:

a) In the case of a request for an official plan amendment, on the day the request is received;
b) In the case of an official plan, an amendment to it or a repeal of it, on the day the bylaw adopting the plan, amendment or repeal is passed;
c) In the case of a zoning bylaw or an amendment to it, on the day the bylaw is passed;
d) In the case of an application for an amendment to a zoning bylaw, on the day the application is made;
e) In the case of an application for an approval of development in a site plan control area under subsection 41 (4) of the Planning Act, on the day the application is made;
f) In the case of an application for a minor variance under section 45 of the Planning Act, on the day the application is made;
g) In the case of an application to amend or revoke an order under section 47 of the Planning Act, on the day the application is made;
h) In the case of an application for the approval of a plan of subdivision under section 51 of the Planning Act or an application for the approval of, or an exemption from an approval of, a condominium under section 9 of the Condominium Act, 1998, on the day the application is made; or
i) In the case of an application for a consent under section 53 of the Planning Act, on the day the application is made.

G-1(4): The expansion of a significant drinking water threat is defined as the following:

An increase in the scale of an activity already taking place on a property. The increase in scale may include, but is not limited to:
a) Increasing the area of land where an activity is taking place;
b) Increasing the amount of effluent or discharge from an activity;
c) Increasing the quantity of chemical or pathogen containing material handled or stored; or
d) Increasing the quantity of chemical or pathogen containing material applied.
The expansion of existing and future activities will be managed using the tool specified by the relevant policy(ies) in this plan to ensure that the expansion of the activity does not increase the risk to drinking water.
Where not otherwise specified in this plan, an expansion, alteration or replacement of an activity that would be more protective of municipal drinking water sources shall be permitted.

agricultural activity includes:
1) The application of agricultural source material to land;
2) The storage of agricultural source material;
3) The application of commercial fertilizer to land;
4) The handling and storage of commercial fertilizer;
5) The application of pesticide to land;
6) The handling and storage of pesticide; and
7) The use of land as livestock grazing or pasturing land, and outdoor confinement area, or a farm-animal yard.

Monitoring Text: