Policy Edit

Policy Id:



Implementing Body

Legal Effect

Policy Tool

Threat Type



Policy Text:

For those areas within a wellhead protection area where the vulnerability score is 10 where no municipal sanitary sewer exists and where systems already exist or where developable lots have been previously approved, all new or replacement private septic systems on lots where they would be a significant drinking water threat shall be located as far as practically possible from the wellhead while remaining in compliance of the Building Code.

Monitoring Text:

Policy P.12.10 – Monitoring Policy for Policies where a Municipality or Principal Authority is named as an Implementing Body
By February 01, 2016, and then thereafter annually by February 01, where a policy of this plan prescribes that a municipality or a principal authority shall undertake an implementing action, the municipality and the principal authority shall complete and submit to the Source Protection Authority, the monitoring report in a form to be established (this includes reporting from Risk Management Officials).