Policy Edit

Policy Id:



Implementing Body

Legal Effect

Policy Tool

Threat Type



Policy Text:

Within one year of the Plan coming into effect, municipalities, in collaboration with the lead Source Protection Authority (SPA), should implement an outreach and education program, developed by the lead SPA, for delivery to all landowners within their jurisdiction which handle or store fuel where it would be a moderate or low threat within a wellhead protection area where the vulnerability score is 10. The outreach and education program is intended to help inform affected landowners of risks to sources of local municipal drinking water and help identify means by which such risks can be minimized.

Monitoring Text:

Policy P.12.11 – Monitoring Policy for Non‐Legally Binding Policies where a Provincial Ministry, Municipality, Conservation Authority, or Source Protection Authority is named as an Implementing Body
Where a policy of this Plan recommends that a Provincial Ministry, Municipality, Conservation Authority, or Source Protection Authority should undertake an implementing action, the Municipality or Authority should, by February 1 of each year, prepare and submit to the Source Protection Authority a report in a form to be established, summarizing their actions and results for the previous year.
This Policy has been Revoked.
Redundant policy