SWP - Policy Interface
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Policy Id:
Ausable Bayfield, Maitland Valley
Implementing Body
Legal Effect
Policy Tool
Threat Type
Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh Township of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Specify Actions to be taken to implement plan or achieve its objectives
Future & Existing
Bluewater Municipality of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Specify Actions to be taken to implement plan or achieve its objectives
Future & Existing
Central Huron Municipality of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Specify Actions to be taken to implement plan or achieve its objectives
Future & Existing
Huron East Municipality of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Specify Actions to be taken to implement plan or achieve its objectives
Future & Existing
Huron-Kinloss Township of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Specify Actions to be taken to implement plan or achieve its objectives
Future & Existing
Minto Town of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Specify Actions to be taken to implement plan or achieve its objectives
Future & Existing
No response required/not applicable
The Town has no septic systems within this vulnerable area and therefore the policy does not apply.
Morris-Turnberry Municipality of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Specify Actions to be taken to implement plan or achieve its objectives
Future & Existing
North Huron Township of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Specify Actions to be taken to implement plan or achieve its objectives
Future & Existing
No response required/not applicable
North Huron has no septic systems that are SDWT; policy does not apply
North Perth Municipality of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Specify Actions to be taken to implement plan or achieve its objectives
Future & Existing
Policy Text:
For those areas within a wellhead protection area where the vulnerability score is 10, and where existing and future on‐site sewage systems are or would be a significant drinking water threat, the Principal Authorities shall:
• implement the mandatory On‐Site Sewage System Maintenance Inspection Program as required by, and in accordance with, the time frame set out in the Ontario Building Code.
Monitoring Text:
Policy P.12.10: By February 01, 2016, and then thereafter annually by February 01, where a policy of this plan prescribes that a municipality or a principal authority shall undertake an implementing action, the municipality and the principal authority shall complete and submit to the Source Protection Authority, the monitoring report in a form to be established (this includes reporting from Risk Management Officials):
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