Policy Text:
All Transport Pathways
The municipality is strongly encouraged to oversee the creation of new transport pathways (including earth energy systems) within Wellhead Protection Areas so that they do not endanger the raw water supply of a municipal drinking water system. The municipality should require the proponent to demonstrate that the municipal water supply is not endangered. Depending on the type of transport pathway, this may include the requirement for studies and inspections.
Earth Energy Systems
The municipality should address specific requirements for geothermal/earth energy systems by ensuring that building permits are issued for earth energy systems in accordance with the Ontario Building Code.
The municipality should not issue any permits for vertical closed loop earth energy systems in the WHPA A and B zones. In the WHPA C and D zones, the municipality should require that the sealing of vertical boreholes be completed in a manner similar to that required for water wells as outlined in Ontario Regulation 903.
Applicable Area:
a) All Transport Pathways
- WHPA A - Deloro, Madoc, Peats Point, Point Anne and Tweed.
b) Earth Energy Systems - Vertical Closed Loop
- WHPA A and B - Deloro, Madoc, Peats Point, Point Anne and Tweed.
c) Earth Energy Systems Sealing Requirements - Vertical Boreholes
- WHPA C and D - Deloro, Madoc, Peats Point, Point Anne and Tweed.
Effective Date: When the Plan, or any plan amendment, as applicable, takes effect.