Policy Edit

Policy Id:



Implementing Body

Legal Effect

Policy Tool

Threat Type



Policy Text:

Each municipality within the Source Protection Planning area where an existing or future onsite sewage system is or could be a significant drinking water threat, and where municipal services are available, shall require connection to the municipal system.

For existing onsite sewage systems the municipality shall require the landowner to connect into the municipal sewage system and decommission the existing onsite sewage system.

Where there is no capacity in the municipal services (waste water system), private onsite sewage systems shall be managed in the interim according to (Policy 2-2-E) or a prescribed instrument (Policy 2-4-E & F) until reserve capacity is available.

For future onsite sewage systems, where municipal services are not available, Policy 2-3-F will apply.

Applicable Areas: This policy applies to the following areas:
- WHPA A and B (vulnerability score of 10) - Deloro, Madoc, Peats Point, Point Anne and Tweed and
- IPZ 1 (vulnerability score of 10) - Ameliasburgh, Picton, and Point Anne.
- Issues Contributing Area - Madoc and Tweed.

Effective Date: Within two years of the Plan, or any plan amendment, as applicable, taking effect.

Monitoring Text:

The municipality shall prepare a report for the Quinte Source Protection Authority by February 1st of each year, summarizing for the previous calendar year, the following:
a) How this policy was implemented including copies of bylaws;
b) Number of services connected to the municipal system;
c) Decommissioning of septic systems; and
d) The number of septic systems remaining to be connected to the municipal system.