Policy Edit

Policy Id:



Implementing Body

Legal Effect

Policy Tool

Threat Type



Policy Text:

For Existing Sewage Infrastructure where there is an existing significant threat the municipality shall:

1) Establish and/or maintain a regular inspection and maintenance program of the sewage infrastructure;
2) Respond to repair or replace any deficiencies noted in the inspection;
3) Review operational guidelines for the system to reduce the risk of bypasses;
4) Immediately contact the operators of the drinking water system if a bypass takes place in the vulnerable area;
5) Upgrade any infrastructure that is deficient or failing to meet effluent targets requirements;
6) Review and, if necessary, update the emergency plan for the system annually;
7) Encourage the separation of any existing combined sewers;
8) Develop and/or continue to implement programs to reduce Inflow/infiltration to the sanitary sewer system and related infrastructure.

Applicable Area:

a) Sanitary Sewer Networks/Pipes:
- WHPA A and B (vulnerability score of 10) - Deloro, Madoc and Tweed;
- IPZ 1 (vulnerability score of 10) - Picton; and 
- Issues contributing area - Madoc and Tweed.

b) Pumping Stations and STP Storage Tanks:

- WHPA A and, B and C (vulnerability score of 8 or greater) – Deloro, Madoc and Tweed; and 
- IPZ 1 and 2 (vulnerability score of 9 or higher) - Belleville (IPZ 1), Deseronto (IPZ 1) and Picton (IPZ 1 and 2).

c) Stormwater Ponds, Effluent Discharges, and By-pass discharges:

- IPZ 1, 2 and 3 (vulnerability score of 8 or higher) - Picton.

Effective Date: Within one year of the Plan,  or any plan amendment, as applicable, taking effect. 

Monitoring Text:

By February 1st of each year the municipality shall provide to the Quinte Source Protection Authority all records of the inspection and maintenance program and report on the measures taken to repair or replace identified deficiencies, during the previous calendar year.