Policy Text:
Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs shall issue new or review and update existing Instruments for areas where existing and future agricultural activities could be a significant drinking water threat. Instruments shall contain terms and conditions to manage the activity so that it ceases to be or never becomes a significant drinking water threat. Additional measures could include implementation of best management practices, increased monitoring, and inspection frequency by the Ministry of the Environment.
In addition to any other risk management measures required through the Prescribed Instrument above, Instruments reviewed and issued within the Issues Contributing Area for Tweed, shall as
a minimum ensure:
a) the application of ASM is not applied during restricted periods, or any other time when the soil is snow covered or frozen consistent with the limitations of subsection 52.2 – 52.4 of Ontario
Regulation 267/03 under the Nutrient Management Act, 2002 to avoid runoff; and
b) measures are included within the prescribed instrument to ensure application rates, timing and location are appropriate for crop uptake of nitrogen and reduce potential for Nitrate runoff or infiltration, prior to applying nitrates or storing on land.
Within the Issues Contributing Area for Tweed, to reduce the risk to municipal drinking water sources from activities that are regulated under the Nutrient Management Act, where these activities are, or would be, a significant drinking water threat, the Ministry of Environment, Conservation, and Parks should consider source protection information as a criterion when setting inspection targets and priorities as part of the Ministry's on-farm compliance program.
Applicable Areas:
Application of ASM, Storage of ASM, Application of NASM, Handling and Storage of NASM, livestock grazing, pasturing, outdoor confinement:
- WHPA A, B, and E (vulnerability score of 8 or greater) – Deloro (WHPA A and B), Madoc (WHPA A, B and E), Peats Point (WHPA A, B and E), Point Anne (WHPA A and B) and Tweed (WHPA A and B); and
- IPZ 1 and 2 (vulnerability score of 8 or greater) – Ameliasburgh (IPZ 1 and 2), Bayside (IPZ 1), Belleville (IPZ 1 and 2), Deseronto (IPZ 1 and 2), Napanee (IPZ 1 and 2) Picton (IPZ 1 and 2) and Point Anne (IPZ 1 and 2); and
- Issues Contributing Area – Madoc and Tweed.
Effective Date: When the Plan, or any plan amendment, as applicable, takes effect for future activities and within two years for existing activities.