Policy Text:
The following existing and future agricultural activities located in the Wellhead Protection Area A that could be significant drinking water threats are prohibited and are designated for the purpose of Section 57 of the Clean Water Act:
- The application of agricultural source material (ASM);
- The handling and storage of agricultural source material;
- The application of non agricultural source material (NASM) (including treated septage);
- The handling and storage of non agricultural source material (including treated septage);
- The application of commercial fertilizer to land;
- The storage of commercial fertilizer;
- The application of pesticides to land;
- The handling and storage of pesticides;
- The use of land as livestock grazing or pasturing land, an outdoor confinement area or a farm-animal yard.
Applicable Areas:
- WHPA A (vulnerability score of 10) - Deloro, Madoc, Peats Point, Point Anne and Tweed.
Effective Date: When the Plan, or any plan amendment, as applicable, takes effect for future activities and within 2 years for existing activities.