Policy Edit

Policy Id:



Implementing Body

Legal Effect

Policy Tool

Threat Type



Policy Text:

The Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Natural Resources should consider the potential impact on drinking water sources prior to issuing approvals for any aquaculture facilities under the Ontario Water Resources Act in the zones where these activities would be a moderate or low threat if established in the future. These approvals should include a decommissioning plan upon closure of the facility.

Applicable Area: 

- IPZ 1 (vulnerability score of 9 or greater) - Ameliasburgh, Belleville, Deseronto, Napanee, Picton and Point Anne; and
- IPZ 2 (vulnerability score of 9 or greater) - Picton.

- WHPA E (vulnerability score of 8.1) - Madoc and Peats Point.
- IPZ 2 (vulnerability score of 8 or 8.1) - Ameliasburgh, Belleville, Deseronto, Napanee and Point Anne.

Effective Date: When the Plan, or any plan amendment, as applicable, takes effect. 

Monitoring Text:

The Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Natural Resources shall prepare an annual summary, if any applications were received, of the actions it has taken to achieve the outcomes of this Source Protection Plan policy and make that report available to the Quinte Source Protection Authority February 1st each year. This report should include the number of applications and any approvals issued to aquaculture operations in the Quinte Region.