Policy Edit

Policy Id:



Implementing Body

Legal Effect

Policy Tool

Threat Type



Policy Text:

The Ministry of Transportation, in collaboration with the Ministry of the Environment as well as in consultation with Source Protection Authorities, should design a sign to the appropriate Provincial standards, to identify the locations of Wellhead Protection Areas and Intake Protection zones. The Ministry of Transportation should manufacture, install and maintain the signs along Provincial Highways in the applicable areas noted below.

Municipalities will be responsible for the purchase, installation and maintenance of appropriate signs designed by the Province in collaboration with Source Protection Authorities. These signs should be placed on municipal arterial roads to identify the vulnerable areas in the applicable areas noted below.

Applicable Area: 
- WHPA's A and B with a vulnerability score of 10 and WHPA E and IPZ's with a vulnerability score of 8 or higher where major roads (Provincial, regional and municipal roads) cross through the vulnerable area.

Effective Date: Within two years of the Plan, or any plan amendment, as applicable, taking effect.

Monitoring Text:

The municipality and Ministry of Transportation should provide annual records of the location and numbers of signs installed during the previous calendar year, in each of the vulnerable areas to the Quinte Source Protection Authority by February 1st of each year.