Policy Edit

Policy Id:



Implementing Body

Legal Effect

Policy Tool

Threat Type



Policy Text:

The municipality shall prohibit or discourage development based on future private onsite sewage systems where they would be significant drinking water threats. To accomplish this each municipality shall:

1) Review its Official Plan in consultation with the Source Protection Authority for its appropriateness and completeness of dealing with the development of land holdings with sewage systems in areas where they would be significant drinking water threats;
2) Following the review of 1) above, prepare a draft official plan amendment (or include within five year update of same) that will include policies and mapping to discourage the development of new septic systems in these areas;
3) Review its comprehensive zoning by-law with the Source Protection Authority for its appropriateness and completeness for dealing with the development of land holdings with sewage systems in areas where they would be significant drinking water threats;
4) Following the review of 3) above, prepare a draft zoning by-law amendment (or include as part of an update of the by-law) that will include zone provisions and regulations and mapping to appropriately regulate development in these areas;
5) In cooperation with the Quinte Region Source Protection Authority, assess applications for development in areas where sewage systems would be a significant drinking water threat which may include the requirement of one or more of the following to be prepared by a qualified professional:
     - Hydrogeological study;
     - Engineered sewage system design; and
     - Best management practices and site design.

The municipality shall only approve future development of onsite sewage systems when the above steps demonstrate that a future sewage system can be adequately managed and will not adversely impact the municipal water supply.

Applicable Areas: 
- WHPA A and B (vulnerability score of 10) - Deloro, Madoc, Peats Point, Point Anne and Tweed; and
- IPZ 1 (vulnerability score of 10) - Ameliasburgh, Picton and Point Anne; and 
- Issues Contributing Area - Madoc and Tweed.

Effective Date: The policy will be implemented when the Plan, or any plan amendment, as applicable, takes effect.  Official Plans must be updated no later than the date of their next five year review required under Section 26 of the Planning Act and zoning by-laws must be updated within three years of the Official Plan amendments to bring them into conformity with the Official Plan. 

Monitoring Text:

The municipality shall prepare a report for the previous calendar year to the Quinte Source Protection Authority by February 1st of each year summarizing the following:
a) Documentation on how the policy was implemented; and
b) Copies of applications and approvals for new sewage systems.