Policy Edit

Policy Id:



Implementing Body

Legal Effect

Policy Tool

Threat Type



Policy Text:

Where a waste disposal site (existing and/or future) could be a moderate or low drinking water threat, the Ministry of the Environment should ensure that existing instruments that govern the waste disposal site include appropriate terms and conditions to make sure that:

1) The waste disposal site (existing) is a managed drinking water threat; or
2) The waste disposal site (future) never becomes a significant drinking water threat.

The Ministry of the Environment should consider the location of vulnerable areas for the protection of drinking water when issuing Environmental Compliance Approvals for new or expanding waste disposal sites.

If prescribed instruments are not in place for the waste disposal site (e.g. closed landfill) the Ministry should identify any monitoring and remedial action measures necessary to ensure the activity is not a threat to drinking water.

Note: For existing sites the policy applies when decisions are made on amendments to the Environmental Compliance Approval associated with changes to the waste site or operations.

Applicable Areas: 
- The Quinte Source Protection Region

Effective Date: When the Plan, or any plan amendment, as applicable, takes effect.

Monitoring Text:

The Ministry shall prepare an annual summary of the actions it has taken to achieve the outcomes of this Source Protection Plan policy and make that report available to the Quinte Source Protection Authority February 1st each year.