Policy Text:
Where the existing and future application of road salt for commercial use is a significant drinking water threat, this activity is designated for the purposes of Section 58 of the Clean Water Act, 2006 and therefore requires a risk management plan. The risk management official shall establish a risk management plan for the application of road salt. The risk management plan shall contain, as a minimum:
1) Any existing risk management measures already in place;
2) The measures most suitable to reduce the risk posed by the activity;
3) Provisions for consideration of the following:
- Vulnerable areas,
- Water courses,
- Storage facilities (permanent and temporary) for salt,
- Site drainage;
4) Protocols and emergency measures to be followed in the event of a spill and any other measures deemed necessary to reduce the risk of a release to the environment;
5) Requirements for appropriate training of any personnel applying road salt;
6) The timing of plan implementation;
7) Monitoring and reporting requirements;
8) A provision that the risk management official is to be notified of any changes in operation such that the Plan can be updated;
9) A provision in reference to Section 60 of Ontario Regulation 287/07 indicating that the Plan may not be transferred to another person without the written consent of the risk management official.
Implementer: Risk Management Official - Municipality
Applicable Areas:
This policy applies to parking lots on commercial properties and roads in the following areas:
- IPZ 1 (vulnerability score of 10) - Picton*
* Refer to Impervious Surface Area Maps in the Updated Assessment Report, 2011 to determine exact areas where policies apply.
Effective Date: When the Plan, or any plan amendment, as applicable, takes effect for future activities and within two years for existing activities.