Policy Edit

Policy Id:



Implementing Body

Legal Effect

Policy Tool

Threat Type



Policy Text:

Except as set out below, the policies contained in this Source Protection Plan shall come into effect on the effective date set by the Minister. 
a. For Section 57 of the Clean Water Act, 2006, if an activity was engaged in at a particular location before the relevant policies within this Source Protection Plan took effect, policies regarding prohibited activities do not apply to a person who engages in the activity at that location until 180 days from the date the Source Protection Plan takes effect;
b. For Section 58 of the Clean Water Act, 2006, if an activity was engaged in at a particular location before the relevant policies within this Source Protection Plan took effect and the Risk Management Official gives notice to a person who is engaged in the activity at that location that, in the opinion of the Risk Management Official, policies regarding regulated activities should apply to the person who engages in the activity at that location on and after a date specified in the notice that is at least 120 days after the date of the notice;
c. For Section 59 of the Clean Water Act, 2006, policies regarding Restricted Land Uses shall take effect the same day the relevant policies within the Source Protection Plan takes effect;
d. Where the Source Protection Policies require the Municipality of Central Elgin to develop and implement education and outreach programs as the primary tool for managing or eliminating a particular significant threat, where such programs are deemed necessary and/or appropriate by the Municipality of Central Elgin, such programs shall be developed and implemented within five (5) years from the date the  relevant policies within Source Protection Plan takes effect;
e. For Section 43 of the Clean Water Act, 2006, if an activity was engaged in at a particular location before the relevant policies within this Source Protection Plan took effect, amendments to Prescribed Instruments shall be completed within three (3) years from the date the Source Protection Plan takes effect; and
f. For Section 40 and 42 of the Clean Water Act, 2006, the Official Plan and Zoning By Laws within the Municipality of Central Elgin, Malahide Township, the Municipality of Thames Centre and County of Elgin must be amended to conform with the significant threat policies and adopted by municipal council within five (5) years of the effective date of the relevant policies withinfrom the date the Source Protection Plan  takes effect or at the time of the next Official Plan and Zoning By-Law conformity exercise as per Section 26 of the Planning Act.

Monitoring Text:

Not Applicable