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Policy Id:
Grand River
Implementing Body
Legal Effect
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Threat Type
Brant County of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Land Use Planning Approaches
Future & Existing
In progress/some progress made
The New Comprehensive Zoning By-law has commenced following Provincial approval of the New Official Plan on October 18, 2024. As per Section 16 (20) of the Planning Act, no later than one year after the official plan policies described in paragraph 1 or 2 of subsection (21) come into effect, the council of the local municipality shall amend all zoning by-laws that are in effect in the municipality to ensure that they conform with the policies.
Policy Text:
The County shall amend their Official Plan and Zoning By-Laws to:
- Identify the vulnerable areas in which drinking water threats prescribed under the Clean Water Act, 2006 would be significant;
- Indicate that within the areas identified, any use or activity that is, or would be, a significant drinking water threat is required to conform with all applicable Source Protection Plan policies and, as such, may be prohibited, restricted or otherwise regulated by those policies as regulated by the Source Protection Plan;
- Incorporate any other amendments required to conform with the threat specific land use policies identified in this Source Protection Plan.
Monitoring Text:
BC-CW-1.10: Where the County is required to amend their Official Plan and/or Zoning By-law to bring their planning documents into conformity with the Source Protection Plan, the County shall provide proof of compliance to the Source Protection Authority and shall provide a copy of such compliance within 30 days of the amendment(s) coming into effect or, where the matter has been appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board, the date of their decision to approve.
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