To ensure these activities never become significant drinking water threats, where these activities would be significant drinking water threats in the Belmont Wellhead Protection Area (WHPA) ‘A’, the Ministry of the Environment shall manage these activities within the Environmental Compliance Approvals process by ensuring terms and conditions are imposed that, when implemented, these activities never become significant drinking water threats:
i. Onsite Sewage Works;
ii. Storm Water Management Facilities and Drainage Systems: Outfall from a Storm Water Management Facility or Storm Water Drainage System;
iii. Storm Water Management Facilities and Drainage Systems: Storm Water Infiltration Facility;
iv. Wastewater Collection Facilities and Associated Parts: Sanitary Sewers; and
v. Wastewater Collection Facilities and Associated Parts: Sewage Pumping Station or Lift Station Wet Well, a Holding Tank or a Tunnel.