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Policy Id:
Grand River
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Specify Actions to be taken to implement plan or achieve its objectives
MTO is supportive of considering source water protection during the environmental assessment process for MTO activities to avoid or minimize impacts on source water. The environmental assessment process is an opportune time to include environmental considerations in road design measures as this process is meant to capture, address impacts and prescribe applicable mitigation measures including, but not limited to, those related to source water protection. MTO currently evaluates factors in environmental assessment based on project specifics, including consultation with affected stakeholders as well as Indigenous Communities. Source water protection will be investigated similarly to other factors in environmental assessment.
Waterloo, Regional Municipality of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Specify Actions to be taken to implement plan or achieve its objectives
In progress/some progress made
Guidance document has been developed
Policy Text:
The Regional Municipality of Waterloo and Area Municipalities and the Ontario Ministry of Transportation shall enhance road design measures in Environmental Assessments to modify, widen or expand existing roads and/or design/develop new roads to minimize the impact from any application of salt on roadways related to the development of new roads in the following area:
i. In Wellhead Protection Area B where the vulnerability is equal to ten (10);
ii. Where a Chloride and/or Sodium Issue has been identified, and in all Wellhead Protection Areas. The assessment should make recommendation for enhanced measures to protect drinking water sources to be carried through detailed design and construction of the road.
Monitoring Text:
RW-CW-1.8: The Regional Municipality of Waterloo and the Area Municipalities shall provide a report to the Source Protection Authority, by February 1st of each year, summarizing the actions taken in accordance with section 46 of the Clean Water
Act, 2006 to implement the Source Protection Plan policies.
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