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Policy Id:
Grand River
Implementing Body
Legal Effect
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Threat Type
Waterloo, Regional Municipality of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Land Use Planning Approaches
In progress/some progress made
Region staff will not review or amend Official Plan policies as the Region has been identified as an upper-tier municipality without planning responsibilities through Ontario Bill 23 and the Region Official Plan is no longer in effect. Area Municipal Official Plan amendments required to conform to the most recent, approved version of the Source Protection Plan
Policy Text:
The Regional Municipality of Waterloo and Area Municipalities shall amend their Official Plans to state that Planning Act and Condominium Act applications proposing new roads as part of a subdivision and condominium applications where salt could be applied may be permitted subject to study in accordance with the Regional Implementation Guideline for Source Water Protection Studies and a Regional Salt Impact Assessment to the satisfaction of the Regional Municipality of Waterloo:
i. In Wellhead Protection Area B where the vulnerability is equal to ten (10);
Where a Chloride and/or Sodium Issue has been identified, in all Wellhead Protection Areas except Wellhead Protection Area A.
Monitoring Text:
RW-CW-1.9: The Regional Municipality of Waterloo and Area Municipalities shall provide copies of the notice of adoption to the Source Protection Authority regarding
amendments to the Official Plan and Zoning By-laws for conformity with policies in the Plan within thirty (30) days of the adoption of the amendments by their
respective Councils.
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