Policy Edit

Policy Id:



Implementing Body

Legal Effect

Policy Tool

Threat Type



Policy Text:

The Source Protection Plan provides policies to meet the objectives of the Clean Water Act, 2006. The Source Protection Plan consists of the written policy text and Schedules.

a) The Schedules in the Source Protection Plan identify the areas where the policies of the Source Protection Plan apply. The boundaries for the circumstances shown on the Plan Schedules are general. More detailed interpretation of the boundaries relies on the mapping in the approved Assessment Report and the specific circumstances found in the Technical Rules under the  Clean Water Act, 2006.

b) Where any Act or portion of an Act of the Ontario Government or Canadian Government is referenced in this Plan, such reference shall be interpreted to refer to any subsequent renaming of sections in the Act as well as any subsequent amendments to the Act, or successor thereof. This provision is also applicable to any policy statement, regulation or guideline issued by the Province or the municipality. No provision of this Plan shall derogate from any applicable law.


Monitoring Text:

Not applicable