Policy Edit

Policy Id:



Implementing Body

Legal Effect

Policy Tool

Threat Type



Policy Text:

To address conditions resulting from past activities that are significant drinking water threats, the Ministry of the Environment shall:

- Ensure that all Prescribed Instruments issued for Condition Sites include terms and conditions, as appropriate, to ensure that the risk to drinking water sources is managed. Appropriate conditions may include requirements for source control, remediation to provincial standards, monitoring and Contaminant Management Plans;
- Ensure that Prescribed Instruments include a condition requiring the instrument holder to report on the actions taken and the status of the site to the Ministry of Environment, Source Protection Authority and the municipality on an annual basis; and
- Provide to the County of Brant a copy of the new or revised Prescribed Instrument.

Monitoring Text:

(BC-CW-1.12) Where the Source Protection Plan policies may result in amendments to Prescribed Instruments or the issuance of a new Prescribed Instrument, the applicable ministry shall provide a summary of any actions taken the previous year to implement the policies and provide a written report summarizing this information to the Source Protection Authority by February 1st of each year.