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Policy Id:
Grand River
Implementing Body
Legal Effect
Policy Tool
Threat Type
Perth, County of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Land Use Planning Approaches
In progress/some progress made
Perth County has the Draft Official Plan approved by council. The document is with MMAH for review. The Official Plan update includes source protection mapping and policies. Perth County planners consider Nitrate/Hydrogeological study requirements when private servicing is proposed. Perth County has completed training on hydrogeological studies and nitrate systems to ensure wellheads are protected from septic encroachment.
Perth East Township of - (Municipality)
Conform with
Land Use Planning Approaches
Municipal sewer infrastructure present. By-Law 66-2010 outlines requirement for any future development requiring sanitary sewers must connect to the municipal sanitary sewer system.
Policy Text:
To ensure future onsite sewage systems and onsite sewage system holding tanks never become significant drinking water threats, where such activities would be significant drinking water threats, the County and the Township shall amend its Official Plan to identify the significant drinking water threat areas and include direction that additional servicing constraints may be applied through municipal zoning bylaws. The uses, buildings and/or structures that would require a new onsite sewage system or onsite sewage system holding tank within identified significant drinking water threat areas and require those uses to be serviced by municipal services (Section 43(1)3.1 and 34(5) of the Planning Act) to ensure these activities never become significant drinking water threats.
Monitoring Text:
PC-CW-1.10: Where the Municipality is required to amend their Official Plan and/or Zoning By-law to bring their planning documents into conformity with the Source Protection Plan, the County and/or municipality shall provide proof of compliance to the Source Protection Authority within 30 days of adoption of the amendment(s) by County
Council or, where the matter has been appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board, the date of their decision to approve.
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