Policy Edit

Policy Id:



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Threat Type



Policy Text:

To ensure that these activities never become significant drinking water threats, where they would be significant drinking water threats in the Belmont Wellhead Protection Area (WHPA) ‘A’, the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks shall prohibit through the Environmental Compliance Approvals process the following future activities within the meaning of the Environmental Protection Act or as defined by the Ontario Water Resources Act that are subject to an Environmental Compliance Approval:
i. Industrial Effluent Discharges;
ii. Wastewater Collection Facilities and Associated Parts: Outfall of a Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO), or a Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO) from a Manhole or Wet Well;
iii. Wastewater Treatment Facilities and Associated Parts;
iv. Disposal of Hauled Sewage to Land;
v. Application of Processed Organic Waste to Land.;
vi. Landfarming of Petroleum Refining Waste;
vii. Landfilling (Hazardous Waste or Liquid Industrial Waste);
viii. Landfilling (Municipal Waste);
ix. Liquid Industrial Waste Injection into a Well;
x. PCB Waste Storage;
xi. Storage of Hauled Sewage;
xii. Storage of Processed Organic Waste or Biomass;
xiii. Transfer/Processing Sites Approved to Receive Hazardous Waste or Liquid Industrial Waste;
xiv. Transfer/Processing Site Approved to receive only Municipal Waste Under Part V of the Environmental Protection Act;
xv. Storage of Subject Waste at a Waste Generation Facility: Site Requires Generator Registration under Section 3 of O. Reg. 347;
xvi. Storage of Subject Waste at a Waste Generation Facility: Site that is Exempt or Excluded from Generator Registration Requirements; and 
xvii. Storage, Treatment and Discharge of Tailings from Mines.

Monitoring Text:

KCSPA-CW-1.11: Where the Source Protection Plan policies require a provincial ministry to deny a Prescribed Instrument, the applicable Ministry shall document the number and locations where such instruments were denied and provide a summary of the actions taken to the Source Protection Authority by February 1st of each year, in accordance with the Clean Water Act, 2006.