Policy Edit

Policy Id:



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Policy Text:

To ensure the existing and future application of road salt ceases to be or never becomes a significant drinking water threat where this activity is, or would be, a significant drinking water threat, excluding a single family residence, this activity shall be designated for the purpose of Section 58 of the Clean Water Act, 2006 and a Risk Management Plan shall be required. In the specific cases outlined below, the content shall be based upon, but not limited to, the following:

a. For un-assumed roads and private parking lots (excluding a single family residence), the Risk Management Plans shall include a goal to minimize salt usage through alternative measures, while maintaining public safety.

b. For public roads, the Risk Management Plans shall include provisions for:

the reduction of salt usage through Best Management Practices such as alternative de-icer materials (with lower sodium and chloride) and/or contemporary technology; and
the use of certified contractors for the application of road salt.

Monitoring Text:

DC-AEG-CW-1.9: The Risk Management Official shall provide a report to the Source Protection Authority, by February 1st of each year, summarizing the actions taken to implement the Source Protection Plan, in accordance with the Part IV of the Clean Water Act, 2006.