Policy Edit

Policy Id:



Implementing Body

Legal Effect

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Threat Type



Policy Text:

To reduce the risks to drinking water from spills that occur within an Intake Protection Zone along highways, railway lines and shipping lanes, Haldimand County shall request all businesses and industries within an Intake Protection Zone with Spill Prevention /
Contingency Plans (‘Plan’) incorporate the information regarding the location of the Intake Protection Zone into their Plans, including notifying the municipality when a spill occurs. If a Plan does not exist, businesses / industries will be encouraged to prepare one as above and to review it annually.

Monitoring Text:

HC-CW-1.4: The County of Haldimand shall provide a report to the Source Protection Authority, by February 1st of each year, summarizing the actions taken to implement the Source Protection Plan policies. Where the County is required to implement education and outreach programs as the primary means of managing the risk associated with significant drinking water threats, the County shall provide a report to the Source Protection Authority. This report must indicate, at a minimum, the properties where these programs were implemented and additional details on how the significant drinking water threat was managed and/or ceased to be significant.