Policy Text:
To ensure the following activities cease to be or never become significant drinking water threats, where the activities are or would be a significant drinking water threat, the County of Haldimand will develop and implement education and outreach programs for the following activities:
a. The existing and future establishment, operation or maintenance of a waste disposal site, within the meaning of Part V or the Environmental Protection Act that does not require an Environmental Compliance Approval. The program should focus on the proper handling, storage and disposal of wastes;
b. The future storage of sewage and/or sewage treatment plant effluent discharges. The program should focus on improving the knowledge of operators, the general public and elected officials about the performance and operation of sewage treatment plants;
c. The existing and future application of commercial fertilizer and pesticides to land. The program should encourage the use of best management practices;
d. The existing handling and storage of commercial fertilizer and pesticides. The program should outline, at a minimum, the requirements of proper maintenance for commercial fertilizer and pesticide storage and the steps to be taken if there is a spill or leak detected;
e. The existing handling and storage of dense non-aqueous phase liquids (DNAPL) and organic solvents. The program should outline, at a minimum, the requirements of proper maintenance for DNAPL and organic solvents storage and the steps to be taken if there is a spill or leak detected;
f. The future use of land as livestock grazing or pasturing land, an outdoor confinement area or farm animal yard. The program should encourage landowners to use best management practices.