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Policy Id:
Grand River
Implementing Body
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Threat Type
MNR - Aggregate License
Conform with
Prescribed Instruments
To ensure decisions made on Prescribed Instrument applications conform with significant drinking water policies all new aggregate licence and permit applications submitted to MNR must be circulated to the Upper and Lower Tier Municipality for review and comment. In addition, all new licence applications must be circulated to the local Conservation Authority for review and comment. The site plans identifies the elevation of the water table and regulates extraction depths. All new aggregate licence and permit applications must submit a Maximum Predicted Water Table Report that details how the maximum predicted water table is identified in metres above sea level, relative to the proposed depth of excavation at the site. All new applications that propose to extract below the water table must complete a Water Report in accordance with the Aggregate Resources of Ontario: Technical Report and Information Standards: Water Report Level 1: A level 1 Water Report is required to determine the potential for impacts to ground water and surface water resources and their uses (e.g. water wells, ground water aquifers, surface water courses and bodies, springs, discharge areas) and identify if the proposed site is in a Wellhead Protection Area for Quantity (WHPA-Q) set out in an applicable source water protection plan under the Clean Water Act. The report must identify applicable source water protection policies and mitigation measures that will be implemented at the site. Water Report Level 2: Where the results of a Level 1 Water Report have identified a potential for impacts from the aggregate site on ground water and/or surface water resources and their uses, an impact assessment is required. The assessment is to determine the significance of the effect and the potential for mitigation. Monitoring programs or mitigation measures identified in the technical reports are written into the site plan to ensure their implementation and enforceability. A new licence or permit application in which a Level 2 Water Report was completed must be circulated to the MECP. Summary Statement: All applicants for a new Aggregate Licence or Permit must include in a Summary Statement if the proposed site is in a source protection area under the Clean Water Act and identify activities proposed at the site that are drinking water threats set out in applicable source protection plans, and provide details of how relevant source water protection policies will be followed and associated mitigation measures that will be implemented. Requirements to support an amendment to an existing aggregate licence or permit to lower the depth of extraction in an area of the operation that does not allow extraction below the water table include: Source Water Considerations: If the site is in a source protection area under the Clean Water Act, the request must identify activities proposed at the site that are drinking water threats set out in applicable source protection plans, and provide details of how relevant source water protection policies will be followed and associated mitigation measures that will be implemented.
MNR - Aggregate Permit
Conform with
Prescribed Instruments
There are no aggregate permits (Crown land) impacted by Source Protection policies.
MNR - Wayside Permit
Conform with
Prescribed Instruments
There are no wayside permits impacted by Source Protection policies.
Policy Text:
To ensure that any consumptive water taking never becomes a significant drinking water threat, where this activity would be a significant drinking water threat, as prescribed by the Clean Water Act, 2006, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, in consultation with the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks, owner of the municipal drinking water system for the respective WHPA-Q, and Grand River Conservation Authority, shall include appropriate terms and conditions in any new approvals under the Aggregate Resources Act, 1990 for extraction below the water table to ensure the sustainability of the applicable municipal water sources identified in the WHPA-Q.
Monitoring Text:
RW-CW-1.12: Where the Source Protection Plan policies require a Provincial Ministry to undertake an activity under the Environmental Compliance Approval process or review, issue or amend a Prescribed Instrument, the applicable Provincial Ministry should:
a. Provide a copy of the Prescribed Instruments to the Regional Municipality of Waterloo;
b. Provide a written report to the Region of Waterloo and the Source Protection Authority summarizing where Prescribed Instruments have been issued and/or amended and for each instrument a summary of the conditions included for source protection purposes.
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