Policy Edit

Policy Id:



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Legal Effect

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Threat Type



Policy Text:

For an existing onsite sewage system or onsite sewage system holding tank subject to an Environmental Compliance Approval in accordance with the Ontario Water Resources Act, where these activities are significant drinking water threats, the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks shall review, and where necessary, amend Environmental Compliance Approvals, to incorporate terms and conditions that, when implemented, ensure these activities cease to be significant drinking water threats.

The terms and conditions should include, but not necessarily be limited to, requirements for the proponent/applicant to undertake mandatory monitoring of groundwater impacts, contingencies in the event that drinking water quality is adversely affected, regular and ongoing compliance monitoring, mandatory system inspections at least every five (5) years, annual reporting to the Source Protection Authority and the County on any required inspection or monitoring programs and upgrading of these onsite sewage systems to current standards, where necessary.

Monitoring Text:

OC-GR-CW-1.11: Where the Source Protection Plan policies may result in amendments to a prescribed instrument or the issuance of a new prescribed instrument, the applicable Ministry shall summarize the actions taken the previous year to implement the policies and provide a written report summarizing this information to the Source Protection Authority and the County by February 1st of each year.