Policy Edit

Policy Id:



Implementing Body

Legal Effect

Policy Tool

Threat Type



Policy Text:

All land uses in the zoning by-laws within the Lakes Simcoe and Couchiching-Black River, Nottawasaga Valley and Severn Sound source protection areas are designated for the purpose of Section 59 of the Clean Water Act, with the exception of residential uses, in all areas where the following activities are or would be a significant drinking water threat.

3. Application of agricultural source material to land
4. Handling and storage of agricultural source material
6. Application of non-agricultural source material
7. Handling and storage of non-agricultural source material
8. Application of commercial fertilizer to land
9. Handling and storage of commercial fertilizer
10. Application of pesticide to land
11. Handling and storage of pesticide
12. Application of road salt
13. Handling and storage of road salt
14. Storage of snow
15. Handling and storage of fuel
16. Handling and storage of DNAPLs
17. Handling and storage of organic solvents
21. Use of land as livestock grazing, or pasturing land, an outdoor confinement area of farm animal yard.

Despite the above policy, a Risk Management Official may issue written direction specifying the situations under which a planning authority or building official may be permitted to make the determination that a site-specific land use is not designated for the purposes of Section 59. Where such direction has been issued, a site-specific land use is not designated for the purposes of Section 59, provided that the planning authority or building official, as the case may be, is satisfied that:

a) The application complied with circumstances specified in the written direction from the Risk Management Official; and
b) The applicant has demonstrated that a significant drinking water threat activity designated for the purposes of Section 57 or 58 will not be engaged in, or will not be affected by the application.

Monitoring Text:

MON-6: By February 1 of each year, risk management officials shall report annually to the local source protection authority with the information required in Section 65 of Regulation 287/07 related to the previous calendar year on the significant threat policies that designate an activity for the purpose of Section 58 risk management plans or Section 57 prohibition.